In 2022, I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism. In 2023, I reflected on my experiences of burnout, which I understand is an important topic within neurodiversity.

Neurodiverse burnout is a state of physical and mental fatigue, heightened stress, and diminished capacity to manage life skills, sensory input, and/or social interactions, which comes from years of being severely overtaxed by the strain of trying to live up to demands that are out of sync with our needs.


What, upon reflection, have I noticed can cause burnout, for me personally?

What does burnout actually look like for me?

Burnout is the definition of death. It’s giving up and not wanting to do anything more. Schopenhauer defined life by something that tries to effect it’s environment. It’s change. That’s a living organism.

So if you feel you can’t change your environment you give up. Burnout is learned helplessness because you lose hope in your desired outcome.

– Nir Eyal on burnout and ADHD on Steven Bartlett’s Diary of a CEO podcast

How will I attempt to manage this cycle now I am aware of it?

Burnout management

Burnout recovery

Burnout’s traditional symptoms and ADHD specific ones I found across the web:

How can you prevent burnout based on what I’ve found across the web?

Main source:

  1. Be mindful of pressure.
  2. Learn how to relax and not feel bad about it “lets rest” – “No, I must do more”. Don’t feel guilty about taking a breather. People with ADHD spend their whole lives being told that they aren’t trying hard enough. As a result, they often push themselves as hard as possible, Meeks says. “Resting feels ‘lazy,’ a word that has been used against us like a weapon for most of our lives.”
  3. Know your limits. Some people think they can pile it all on their plate and carry it even though it’s dripping off the plate, Goodman says. You need to face the fact that your expectations sometimes go beyond what you can actually do.
  4. Prioritise. “You won’t be able to juggle 12 balls at once,” Goodman says. You need to pick six that you can juggle well and the other six need to be put to the side until you have more time for them. Setting priorities is difficult for people with ADHD. “It’s either I need to do it now or if it’s not due yesterday it doesn’t need to be done until tomorrow. The problem is something comes up tomorrow that’s urgent and that’s how things mount up.”
  5. Just say “no.” People with ADHD often are people pleasers, have a hard time saying no, and overcommit themselves, Meeks says. “Practice saying no and not feeling guilty about it. The people in our lives should be understanding of the need to keep ourselves safe and healthy,” she adds.
  6. If it’s broken, fix it. If your ADHD symptoms seem out of control, talk to your doctor. You may need to add or change medication or learn better organization and time-management skills. This can help you get through your days with fewer stumbling blocks and more confidence.

What does ADHD and depression look like?

What does depression and autistic burnout look like?


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