The Venus Sequence

Stage two

Navigating the emotional realm

As the longest and most complex of the 3 sequences you will contemplate along the Golden Path, the Venus Sequence represents the core of these teachings.

It is a journey into the heart and the wounding that we all carry around our hearts.

The Venus Sequence reorients you in your life at an emotional level, exploring genetic themes of holding and release woven from the ancestral DNA you inherited at birth.

As you contemplate your Venus Sequence and its Gene Keys, you bring the transformation into your relationships through an increased awareness of the patterns that prevent you from living consistently with an open heart.

These patterns emerge as your shadow patterns, usually in some form of suffering.

Few people have discovered the true secret of suffering – that it is a doorway to Grace. Our pain is always trying to tell us something important, and if we can summon the courage to lean into the pain and listen to its message, then we will always discover its hidden gift.

The Venus Sequence stands on the pillars of your 4 Prime Gifts (which we walked through in The Activation Sequence), but it brings them into contact with others. It tests your capacity to embody your Gifts over and over again through the education of your relationships. And eventually, as you learn to stabilise your Gifts and stand in your Core Stability with your heart open, then you will witness the flowering of your life within the wider community through the Pearl Sequence.

The pathway of dharma

When you're anchored deeply in the sphere of your purpose - the pathway of your Dharma opens up. Leading you deeper into 'you', beyond the domain of your physical body (thus physical plane) and acting as a bridge to another plane of reality - known as the astral plane.

The Pathway of your Dharma is really about your destiny. Along this Pathway flows the mysterious current of evolution and its counterpart, the current of involution. These are currents that flow deep beneath our conscious awareness. They may be captured through our resonance to myths or archetypes, or through poetry, music, or dreams.

Perhaps the greatest turning point in a person’s life is the realisation of the existence of the inner life. We are so often caught in the drama of our external lives that we neglect the greater part of our being. Like the iceberg, our true worth lies hidden beneath the surface.

From drama to dharma

The Venus Sequence provides each of us with a transformational map that opens an eye on the unconscious hidden forces that motivate all our relationships.

The sphere of your purpose in relationships

Now we will revisit the Sphere of your Purpose, as it lies at the foot of your Venus Sequence, but we will train our contemplation on it in another dimension. Every relationship in your life brings you the opportunity to find a deeper relationship to your own true purpose. This is a sentence to contemplate. In the modern age, when relationships become very difficult, no matter how hard we may try to save the relationship, many of us can find no other alternative but separation. However, when you really understand the core message of your Venus Sequence, you may reframe the whole purpose of the relationships in your life.

As fickle (lower case s) self-obsessed humans our tendency is to see relationships as a means to bring more happiness into our lives. While this is a wonderful sentiment, it's important to understand that happiness and fulfilment are not the same thing.

We saw with our Activation Sequence that our purpose is not an external thing. Instead, it's a quality of our consciousness. I invite you to look again at the siddhi of the Gene Key of your purpose. THIS is the purpose of your relationships - to exponentially enhance that quality in your life.

Ironically, it is when relationships become the most challenging that you have the greatest opportunity to transform the Shadow pattern that is preventing this quality from emerging in your life. If such a beautiful quality is dependent on any outer condition or person, then you cannot yet be deeply rooted in its field of emergence. I hope that this gives you pause for thought.

The importance of commitment

It's easy to misunderstand commitment in relationships. Our deepest commitment should always be to our own truth. Meaning that we need to be utterly honest with ourselves, at all times, and take responsibility for our own shadow patterns and subsequent behaviours when it comes to our experience as a human coinciding with those we have relationships with.

Every relationship has its own karmic cycle, and in order to reap the greatest reward from a relationship, we need to honour it fully.

There is no situation that cannot teach you to open your heart more. There is no relationship that cannot bring you to a deeper sense of your own true Purpose. Often the more intense the relationship, the more potential value it holds for you. The Venus Sequence may not be an easy path, but if it is deeply imbibed it may be one of the fastest paths towards Truth that the modern world can offer. Your commitment to your highest potential will be tested over and over again by your relationships. How deep does your commitment really go?

Your (purpose) shadow (in relationships)

When contemplating your Purpose in relationships, the Shadow of this Gene Key and its lines will always tell you something very profound about your specific difficulties in relationships.

This Shadow will draw you again and again into the depths of the drama. It will force you into a role that you find very unsettling, and in addition to this it will probably make you feel guilty about the way you are behaving.

When this Shadow appears to lure you away from the better person you know you are and can be, it is very painful.

there is no escaping that person seeing this Shadow side of your nature. This is why the beginning of relationships usually feel so good – because this Shadow has not yet presented itself. When it finally does, then you really need to remember that this is your true work, and this is the deeper purpose of all true intimacy – to reflect back your inner Shadows in order that you can unlock their gifts and transform them.

Your (purpose) gift (in relationships)

The Gift of the Gene Key relating to your Purpose emerges as your commitment to opening your heart deepens, no matter how intense the voltage of your relationships become.

Your awareness cuts through your mental judgement, your emotional resentment, and your chemical overload. Your emotional challenges fuel your Core Stability. They knock you around until you take responsibility for your own drama, and surrender to your own Dharma. This is how you lay the foundation that allows for a permanent opening of your heart.

Your (purpose) siddhi (in relationships)

The Siddhi of your Purpose in relationships can be summed up in a single word – Embodiment. This is the highest purpose of all our relationships – to deliver the opportunity of a full awakening of our heart.

Because the Sphere of Purpose lies at the base of your Profile, everything else rests upon it. This means that your response to your daily dharma sets a resonant frequency that runs throughout the rest of your Profile. This is the meaning of the word ‘Hologenetic’. It means that your awakening occurs in a subtle sequence as you open your heart to whatever comes your way. Only an authentic heart is capable of opening in this way.

Each relationship has unique karmic patterns woven into the fabric of its chemistry, and the karma unravels as you deepen your level of embodiment. Eventually, as you move to transmute deeper and deeper Shadow patterns, a light begins to dawn inside you. This is the light of pure consciousness, and once you become aware of it, it can never be extinguished again.

The line of my purpose in relationships

Line 3

The escape artist (shadow)

Repressive tendency: diverting attention away from yourself

Reactive tendency: creating emotional dramas

Main block: you run away from making commitments in life

We have seen already that one of the main themes for the 3rd line is commitment: how to find continuity and commitment in a life that is wired to change? If you compare your life to those around you, you are likely to try and shape your life in a way that feels more secure and stable. And when this outer stability fails, as it likely will, you may end up feeling as though you are the failure. This can be a very painful process for the 3rd line.

Emotions are the lifeblood of relationships, and the 3rd line can feel overwhelmed by them at times, particularly if they have deep-seated feelings of unworthiness. This leads to the classic 3rd line archetype of the Escape Artist. In order to avoid feeling unworthy, the 3rd line develops all kinds of strategies for avoiding conflict. At the repressive level, this is really about diverting attention. This can be done in all kinds of ways, but one of the most common is through humour. The 3rd line has a natural gift of humour, but at the Shadow level this is often used as a diversion.

The 3rd line also has this gift of adaptability, which the Shadow will employ at an emotional level. This can make them very slippery and hard to pin down.

Even though the 3rd line Shadow will try their utmost to avoid anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, at the reactive level they end up creating all manner of situations that bring this about. Such a life can be very colourful to watch from the outside, but very painful when you are the one in the driving seat. When the 3rd line reacts emotionally, it tends to run away as fast as it can from the person or place where the pain took place. This can then become a habit of creating dramas, and then running away from them.

The adventurer (gift)

Inner strength: laughing at yourself

Outer strength: accepting the feelings of others

Highest potential: your enthusiasm for life is contagious

When the 3rd line Shadow themes are transformed by self awareness, we see a very different set of gifts emerging. Transformation is always rooted in self-honesty, which brings perspective, and with this comes an ability to laugh at yourself and the way that your dharma unravels. This is the 3rd line as an emotional adventurer.

Relationships are such a rich part of the human experience, and once the 3rd line has overcome its fear of commitment, it learns a huge amount about life and people. The ability to laugh at oneself is a manifestation of compassion. Awareness always brings this inner sense of humour, because it shows you how human you are. You are fallible, and things do not always go the way you expect them to. As long as you stay committed to your own honesty and to being authentic, then life can be such a great adventure.

This ability to enjoy the uncertainty of life brings a deep sense of inner trust alive in you. It is where your enthusiasm springs from. This is why others will begin to trust in you, without always wanting more from you. It is always down to you just ‘staying in the room’, instead of trying to find a way to escape.

The sphere of attraction

This Gene Key is calculated by the specific position of the moon while you are in still in your mother's womb. In Rosicrucian wisdom and mystic teachings - this is the portal to the astral plane. The astral plane is an esoteric terms that refers to the world where emotional currents have a living embodiment and reality of their own. Here, on this plane, desires are born. This is the font of our sexuality, which is why it is about attraction.

It is about the electromagnetic resonance of our dharma drawing in the etheric ingredients that will eventually manifest our destiny.

The sphere of attraction sits like a fulcrum between the pathways of dharma and karma. The pathway of karma is what will be looked into after we've done the pathway of dharma.

That which is encoded in our DNA as a purpose (dharma) rings out into the subtle planes and calls in those relationships that offer us the greatest possibility of fulfilling our higher purpose. How we listen and learn from those relationships is up to us (free will).

When you enter the Venus Stream, you are invited into a very deep contemplation of your primary relationships. By this we mean your children, parents, spouses, lovers - anyone who lives and shares their life with you. You are invited to explore these relationships at a deeper level than you have ever considered possible. This is not necessarily about a change in your external dialogue (although that may also change), but it is about a change in your internal dialogue – the way your body, mind, and emotions respond internally to others. The Venus Stream asks you to listen carefully to your chemical responses without any judgement.

You should pay particular attention to those relationships which you find challenging or uncomfortable. The aura of such relationships usually contains a deeper vein of chemical information that is often rarely accessed due to the eruption of drama on the surface. When your awareness is able to dig deeper into such relationships, you often find that they contain the greatest diamonds, since they offer you the opportunity for inner transformation. It’s often in the deep Shadows that the miracles lie hidden.

The attractor field

There has been an ever increasing talk and hype in recent years about harnessing the attractor field that surrounds us, aka manifestation. Much of this talk, and information, is geared towards the manifestation on of one's wishes on the material plane. Thus, it's entirely ego driven. The Venus Sequence does not offer any such techniques for manifestation. As, think deeply and listen honestly to your retort - do you actually know what is good for you in the first place?

What is it that you wish for? More money? A perfect relationship? The ideal home? It’s important to look at your present circumstances, and see how much there is to be grateful for. What is this something in the future that you seek? Such longings (whatever form they take) are very human and very understandable. You do not have to stop yourself from wishing for a happier life. But perhaps through yielding to the Venus Stream, you will see that happiness isn’t really the grail that you are seeking. Your Attractor Field emerges out of the needs of your Dharma, your destiny.

In life you will always get exactly what you need when you need it. The secret is not about asking for something in the future – it is about mining the full depth and splendour of what you already have in the present.

Our attractor field ripples out into the cosmos and emerges from our deep desires. As you learn to see inwardly into your own astral body, you will discover layer upon layer of desires that you've taken with you across your incarnations. Rosicrucian initiates understand that there's a period after you leave your physical body (corpse) permanently (death) where you must experience a run-through of your desires and your attempts to experience them on the physical plane in an objective (not subjective) way. Thus, the more transcended away from the attachments and identifications to the physical desires one is at death, the more ascended they are as a soul and the less 'work' they leave for themselves to do (suffer) between -- and in each -- life.

The sexual wound

In many of the ancient creation myths from around the world we see a common theme involving a process of sexual wounding. One of the deepest human joys and challenges is the nature of our sexuality. We each carry a sexual theme into the world that dictates the kind of relationships we draw towards ourselves.

Your sexual line theme is not only about the sexual act but can be seen as a general  theme relating to your vital energy, health and your relationship to the creative process. The important thing is to look as deeply as possible into the currents that drive your desire nature. When you learn to love yourself and the nature of the wound you carry, then you can witness the healing of that wound as a personal transformation.

When moving into contemplation of your sexuality at such a deep level, the most important quality to remember at all times is gentleness. Many issues coupled with our sexuality occurred when we were young and lacking in experience and wisdom. As we move further along the Golden Path, we will be journeying into the cycles of our childhood in depth, but for now the essential ingredient to add to the mix is tenderness. There are knots woven into our DNA that will only yield to the very softest touch. You will therefore have to be the tenderest parent to yourself as you step into this terrain. No one else has the capacity to heal these places inside at the level that you do. Indeed, just remembering this self-gentleness over and over again may well be enough to bring healing to your heart and body.


When contemplating the Shadow of the Gene Key relating to your Attractor Field, it is an opportunity for you to look into the subtle layers of your desire. You can consider this at a sexual level and a material level. How has this Shadow played out in your life? How is it playing out today? Consider the disturbance that this Shadow may have caused you and others. There is no need for blame or guilt here. We all carry a fractal aspect of the great sacred wound. Our path through life is about coming to terms with this imperfect part of our nature. Our sexuality makes us feel so vulnerable, but equally we can also hide behind it. Everything in the world is rooted in sex, because everything penetrates everything else at a quantum level.

At one level, sex takes place whenever two auras interact, regardless of sexuality or age. This is the merging of the creative electromagnetic field of every relationship. Look deeply therefore into this Shadow, and be willing to feel the vulnerability of your theme, and how it is trying to find wholeness in the outer world.


The Gift emerges as your awareness cuts through the projections of your sexuality, and finds the place of innocent vulnerability that is inside every one of us. In vulnerability lies great strength. This does not mean that you have to go around expressing your vulnerability – rather that you own it as a private interior wisdom that belongs to you alone. If you decide to express it, then it needs the right environment and person to receive it. Your vulnerability connects you more closely to everyone else’s vulnerability, no matter how hardened they are on the surface, and this makes you a naturally more compassionate person.

It is an amazing revelation to begin seeing the people in the world around you as innocent children all with this same wound at the heart of their being. This kind of shift in your attitude relays a very different chemical signal through your Attractor Field, and you will undoubtedly find that the whole outer landscape of your life will also change to reflect this transformation.


The Siddhi of your sexuality involves a profound spiritual transformation. Beneath the Gene Keys revelation lies a body of teachings known as the Corpus Christi (the body of Christ). This encapsulates the higher teachings of spiritual Initiation, and describes the nature of the subtle bodies. Within this Corpus of teachings and transmissions, we learn about the specific process that occurs as a person’s frequency becomes more and more refined. At a certain stage known as the 5th Initiation, the sexual energy at the core of our being is transformed in a tantric phenomenon known mystically as the Annunciation.

This is directly linked to the transformation of our lower astral nature into its higher counterpart known as the buddhic body. The Siddhi of your Sexuality governs this extraordinary alchemical process. It is at this stage that your Attractor Field begins to operate at its highest level, drawing in the most refined and exquisite frequencies from your greater self. This leads to a phase of prolonged transmutation, which is often also accompanied by states of ecstasy.

My attraction

The 52nd shadow - stress

The phenotype of fear

The 52nd Shadow is responsible for one of the great phenomena of the modern world —stress. Stress operates on many levels although its primary impact takes place on the physical plane, inside your body. This 52nd Shadow and its programming partner the 58th Shadow of Dissatisfaction represent the deepest genetic binary pattern that undermines human health. This is especially true at a collective level. For that reason, we need to understand something very important about stress. It is a collective pressure and not a personal pressure. It is an energy field generated by every human being alive, rather than being rooted in any specific personal issue. This means that stress is also deeply connected to our environment and to those around us.

Our actual environment is formed by the boundaries of the human aura. The average human aura will extend to fill half of a normal sized room, which means that generally speaking, when you are in the same room as someone else, you share each other’s auras.

In densely populated areas, such as towns and cities, it is virtually impossible to escape the collective aura of others even in the sanctuary of your own home. In more rural parts of the world the pressure of the local aura is far less and the degree of stress is therefore far less. However, because of the huge population currently existing on our planet, it is no longer possible to entirely escape the vast collective energy field of humanity. Billions of auras interlocking together form a great sheath that covers our world. This sheath or skin is what prevents human beings from seeing and experiencing the true unity of all consciousness. It is the construct known in the East as the maya — meaning the great illusion.

Human DNA is a fascinating substance. The chemical codes contained within DNA, although locked in from birth, are highly sensitive to vibrating energy fields. Geneticists refer to the genetic makeup of an individual as the genotype, whereas they refer to the manifestations of that makeup as the phenotype. So, to an extent, the frequency of energy passing through the genotype determines the manifestations of the phenotype. This means that your environment greatly affects how you feel and behave, and most importantly, it influences who you think you are. At the subtlest level, your environment is created by the subatomic world of vibration. The frequency you are tuned to actually determines this environment, regardless of your physical geography. In the case of the 52nd Shadow, the collective or extended phenotype of humanity is shaped by fear, which creates an environment that puts the physical organism under great stress.

The only way to escape this collective programming field is to rise above it at an energetic level, which is no easy task. You must somehow raise the frequency of energy moving through your genotype. When this occurs, the phenotype — the way your nature is experienced and expressed — will also change. Most human beings will rise above this energy field for brief periods of time and then fall back into it again. It is extremely rare for someone to rise permanently above the field of stress. The secret is to change your inner environment — your feelings and your thoughts — thus changing what you see and hear. If all you hear is noise and all you see is chaos, then that will determine your experience. However, if you anchor yourself into a higher frequency, the same life can be experienced as though you were living in an entirely different world.

One of the keys to understanding the 52nd Shadow is to be found in the name of the 52nd Gift — the Gift of Restraint. The low frequency expression of the 52nd Shadow is rooted in the inability to keep yourself from reacting to fear. Sometimes the fear driving this Gene Key can be so deeply embedded in the unconscious that you have no concept of it, at all. Nonetheless, this fear pervades our environment and your reaction to it produces one of two responses — you either collapse or you run. Given its chemical connection to the adrenal system, this Shadow is deeply implicated in physical activity or lack of activity, the two human responses to stress. As far as the 52nd Shadow is concerned, there are two types of people — those who cannot sit still and those who are stuck. In our modern age, we tend to think of stress as being a chaotic, frenetic energy dynamic, but it also has this more repressed aspect.

Natural life rhythms follow seasonal patterns — life knows when to work and it knows when to rest. However, the collective power of the 52nd Shadow keeps human beings from trusting in this flow of life and the Shadow frequencies of this 52nd Gene Key enhance one extreme or the other.

The underlying phenotype of humanity remains based on fear and the two polarities of this Shadow continue to manifest. Until human beings experience their unity with all of creation they will create and be driven by this underlying stress — the physical manifestation of our deepest and most hidden fear.

Repressive nature - stuck

The repressive nature tends to physically, emotionally and mentally collapse under the pressure of the stress created by the 52nd Shadow. These people never really get off the ground. The Gift of Restraint remains locked in this extreme shadow manifestation and leads to a deep feeling of being stuck. These feelings can so pervade the body that one enters deep states of depression and apathy. As these people give up on themselves, the adrenal system can actually atrophy leaving them physically impeded in some way. Once one has sunk into these states, it can be very difficult to escape. One of the only means of lifting oneself free of such a state is to find a way to be of service to others. There is a deep genetic need in the 52nd Gift to help others and when this urge is engaged, gradually one can find one’s life force returning.

Repressive nature - restless

These are people who are unable to sit still. Reactive natures by their nature try to escape their fear through activity. However, these people mask their fear through projecting their frustration and anger onto others. The restless aspect of stress is based upon over-stimulation of the adrenal glands, producing more energy than one needs. However, the consistent secretion of adrenaline into the body actually causes great damage over time. Thus these people often burn themselves out in life. The secret for such people is to see through their own mental dynamic and discover the deep fear that drives them. By confronting and embracing this fear, they will gradually erode its hold over them and learn to activate their Gift of Restraint.

The 52nd gift - restraint

Ecological torque

People may tend to devalue the 52nd Gift because of the way it sounds. Restraint does not after all sound particularly exciting or dynamic. Ironically, however, this is one of the most remarkable Gifts in the whole human genome. This Gift, like all the Gifts, is about striking a balance between two extremes of energy — in this case, the energy of activity and passivity. In fact, no Gene Key is more fundamental to human life than this 52nd Gene Key. It determines the source signature of all activity in the world.

If you begin something from a place of fear, that seed of fear will infect every aspect of the expansion of that activity.

Even though the smallest human actions can sometimes lead to the creation of vast empires, if the seed of fear is there at the beginning, then like a virus it will pervade the structure and it will eventually bring that structure to the ground.

The 52nd Gift contains a secret of ecology. All true endeavours require a profound understanding of restraint, a phenomenon natural to all living systems. If a system is to last, it must learn to feed itself whilst it grows. If it is to proliferate, it must learn to diversify and take in an ever-expanding source of nutrients. However, for a system to be really successful it must have one vital factor right at its core from the very beginning — it must serve more than just itself. The 52nd Gift of Restraint requires a great deal of patience and an understanding that everything in nature moves at its own speed. Particularly in the beginning, things appear to move slowly. The moment we try to rush an idea, we disturb the ground in which it is sown. You can see from this how easily humans fall victim to stress.

The 52nd Gift, you may divine, is a Gift that concerns human organisations. At its deepest level, it contains the seed that will one day bring all human beings into a perfect organisational unity. For now, this Gift concerns our own trust in life. To begin anything, you must first have a clear intention. The more selfless your intention, the more power it will have. If you begin with the right intention, then everything will follow, but you must resist the temptation to interfere with the process out of fear.

The seed even contains the specific fragrances that will attract the right allies at the right times. It is also true to say that the greater the power, the longer it takes to germinate. The seed of a yew tree and the seed of a sunflower are similar in size. However, whilst the sunflower will grow to its full size within the space of a few months, the yew tree has depth and complexity and will begin at a different pace and follow its own timing. It may take ten years just to reach the height of the sunflower, but it may live as long as five thousand years. So it is with all human ideas and actions. Every human being alive contains this intention — it is the seed of your individual destiny.

To get your intention clear, you must ask yourself the question: “How can I be of the greatest service to humanity?”

Then you must live the answer. Because we humans cannot see the details of the journey ahead, we have to trust in the direction that our intention takes, even if it does not make sense to us at the time. This is the power of Restraint — to allow your life to unfold without urgent demand.

We also saw from analysis of the 52nd Shadow that another aspect of this Gene Key is the belief or feeling that we are stuck. Only if you lose touch with your innermost core can you be truly stuck. As long as you remain in touch with the seed of your true intention, you may experience an outer pause, but you cannot be stuck. Deep within the seed, or indeed the plant, new shoots are being born. It is usually at this stage when humans become restless and try to force a direction, damaging the delicate buds that will form the next phase in the evolution of your intention. Ironically, it is during the moments of outer pause, when all energy seems to have come to a halt, that the greatest growth occurs.

The stored up energy and potential within a single human being is infinite in its proportions. However, this potential must be managed economically and allowed to grow and expand in an organic fashion. In this respect, the Gift of Restraint is about non-interference. When you apply this to your own life, you have to accept yourself as part of a far greater flow than you can see, and as such you have to accept that there are times when you will feel deeply restrained. The acceptance of this restraint and its manifestation as patience is a truly powerful gift. There is an apt parallel here with the developing life of a young child. Children contain the seed of their own future, and if allowed to develop at their own pace and in their own way without too much interference, they will eventually flourish. Every parent has to find the delicate balance between laying down healthy boundaries and trusting in the life force as it moves through the child.

It is through restraint that human power can be harnessed in a creative way. Thus, it is of huge importance to regulate your life and maintain a degree of internal rhythm and structure.

The 52nd siddhi - stillness

The stilling of the wave

Many spiritual systems or great teachers have referred to the ultimate enlightened state as nothingness or void. The Buddha was particularly fond of this terminology. In fact this 52nd Siddhi has a real taste of the Buddha about it. The ancient Chinese named the 52nd Hexagram of the I Ching Keeping Still Mountain and one is reminded here of the image of Buddha sitting in absolute stillness beneath his bodhi tree, waiting for all phenomena to dissolve and the true reality of enlightenment to shine through.

When a being attains realisation through the 52nd Siddhi, some intriguing things occur. Since all frequency and energy patterns are experienced as stopping, you find yourself sitting at the heart of all creation. All phenomena are experienced as wheeling around you as you become the still-point of existence itself. The incredible sheath of fear and stress created by the world aura can no longer touch you since you occupy a space outside of all vibration. This is why mystics use terms such as the spaceless space to describe this state. Along with the stillness comes the experience of the 58th Siddhi of Bliss, the programming partner of the 52nd Siddhi.

The aura of a single being manifesting this 52nd Siddhi will literally stop the thoughts of everyone in their vicinity.

If you have read the 55th Gene Key, you have read about a collective phenomenon that will soon be coming into the world known as the stilling of the wave. This phenomenon will come about as a result of a physical genetic mutation that is predicted to sweep through humanity beginning around the year 2027. This mutation will trigger a sequential process involving the flowering of the 64 Gene Keys at a collective level and the expanding emergence of the Gifts and Siddhis in the world. The expression stilling of the wave refers to the stilling of the chaotic emotional energy field that currently dominates our planet. One of the Siddhis we will see coming into the world more and more is the 52nd Siddhi. Remember that this 52nd Gene Key is a seed archetype and it concerns the unfolding of intention into individual destiny through service. As all Siddhis are collective in nature, the 52nd Siddhi also contains the seed of a great new beginning, and the original intention and dream of mankind — to realise our position as the still point at the heart of creation itself.

The 52nd Siddhi contains within itself the power to focus humanity into a single unified pattern. It emanates a collective energy field that will eventually pacify the human emotional system. The 52nd Shadow of Stress is closely related to time. Much stress is caused because people experience time as moving so fast that they panic and try to catch up with it. The aura of a single being manifesting this 52nd Siddhi will literally stop the thoughts of everyone in their vicinity. It is a Siddhi that increases the wavelength between the particles of the subatomic world, and in doing so it slows down perceived time. Every Siddhi floods the energy field of humanity with its essence, so the presence of even a small number of beings at this level of consciousness will change the way in which all human emotions operate. This kind of influx of Stillness into our planetary aura will make it possible for many millions of people to follow their right destiny into far wider service of the whole.

The line of my sexuality (the sphere of attraction)

Line 1: sterility / fertility - empty / wholesome

Each of the lines has a general theme and an accompanying state. Depending on the frequency of your inner attitude, you can see how both play out in your life at a low frequency and a high frequency. The 1st line of the hexagram always conveys the essence of the whole topic, and here we can see it is about Sterility or Fertility. Our Dharma offers us so many opportunities to be creative with our lives. There is always a fertile response to every situation. On the other hand, the Shadow consciousness is depletive rather than abundant. Sterility can be applied to any human sphere – you can be spiritually sterile, financially sterile, socially sterile, emotionally sterile, and of course sexually sterile. Sterility leads naturally to disease, because it involves the blocking of the natural life force through the body.

This leads to experiences that are perceived as devoid of meaning, and which therefore drain us and leave us feeling empty rather than full. States of depression or exhaustion follow naturally out of the Shadow of this first line. Our modern world offers a cornucopia of distractions for our desires, from excessive materialism to overstimulation of our body and senses. Many of these leave us feeling empty and sterile, closing down our attractor field and locking us into tight, unimaginative little lives. Relationships lived through the low frequency of this line will soon seem sterile and dull, lacking the lustre of hope and joy that they might once have had.

The higher frequency of this 1st line is anything but sterile. It is a rippling field of pure unbridled potential. If you have a 1st line sexuality, then you are a hub of creative forces. You will attract relationships that are dynamic – they may not always be easy – but they will have a potent and fertile aura, out of which much beauty can arise. The difference between a sterile and a fertile relationship is always your attitude. Every relationship has the potential to be a wonderful adventure. If the lustre has faded, then it is down to your own perception.

You will have to open your heart up again to life, rather than blaming the relationship. This re-awakening can occur in any relationship. Fertility is about seeing life at a higher frequency. It is about seeing the whole of a person, rather than only the Shadow or even only the Gift. This is when a relationship becomes wholesome – when it includes the Shadow, and the Shadow is embraced and transformed. Only then can the higher purpose of the relationship be realised, and only then can the attractor field draw in the elements that support you in living your life at a higher frequency.

The pathway of karma

Flowing out of the Sphere of Attraction and linking into the Sphere of IQ, we find the Pathway of Karma. There is naturally an important relationship between these two themes of dharma and karma. Putting it simply, your dharma manifests in your life through your karma, and your karma is released by means of your Attractor Field. In order to fully understand these relationships, we need first of all to know what we mean by the word ‘karma’.

As we have seen, your dharma can be seen as your relationship to your life path. It indicates the level of your surrender to the great forces that shape all lives. As you evolve and refine your frequency, so your karma adjusts itself to the needs of your higher purpose. When you begin to transform the Shadow frequencies within your DNA, then you attract in new kinds of relationships, or you attract new higher elements into your existing relationships. Every relationship contains a repository of karma for you to transform. If you decide to turn away from the relationship, you will only meet the karma again in the next relationship, albeit in a different form. As we move into the Venus Sequence, we find ourselves dancing in a world of subtle frequencies. The Pathway of Dharma sets the tone, the Sphere of Attraction calls in the relationship, and the Pathway of Karma offers you the opportunity to take the next set of lessons along the evolutionary ladder.

The Venus Sequence is not a kind of primal therapy in which we are called to express every feeling in front of the other person. Neither is it about spending hours and hours processing our emotions together. The Venus Sequence is an interior path, a path of contemplation, in which you quietly observe your own behaviour that's being reflected in the mirror of the other person. This does not mean for example, that if said person is unpleasant to you that you are somehow to blame for their unpleasantness. It means that your response to their unpleasantness offers you a mirror for your own level of self love. You can always play back a scenario afterwards in your mind, and imagine how differently it might have played out had you been in a state of unconditional love.

The ability you are being called to exercise is one of returning non-love with love.

Courtesy - a lost and timeless value

In our modern world we often overlook certain traditional values, which were once the mainstay of past generations. One of these is courtesy. It is often even referred to as ‘common courtesy’, even though it has become far from common in most modern relationships! Courtesy can be mistaken for formality and stuffiness, but in its pure form it has neither of these qualities. Courtesy is about basic human respect. When we get to know another person in an intimate relationship, we often forget to edit our Shadows or moods, as we would if we were with a stranger. Sometimes if you are feeling low, it is tempting to indulge your state in front of your partner. Our usual reason for doing so is because we are unconsciously looking for love. However the effect this more often has on our partner is to make them feel low as well, since they would wish us to feel better.

Courtesy always considers the feelings of the other, and weighs them against our own. We do not have to conceal our feelings, but neither do we need indulge them. There are so many things that we show to our partner that simply would be better left inside. Courtesy maintains a very clean environment in a relationship. Neither does courtesy insist that our partner be courteous. We may have to lead this one by example. The net result of an increase in courteous behaviour is that your partner will feel better more of the time, and that in itself makes it a very precious quality to cultivate.

On being single

If you are single, the Venus Sequence is also a powerful tool of transformation. Your karma is always there playing out in your everyday life. You will have to be alert to the many opportunities that arise daily from your relationships with others. If you do not have a primary partner at your current stage in life, you can use all your other relationships as your means of transformation. Being alone has its own magic, and your Venus Sequence can become just as powerful an inner voyage as it is for someone in a relationship.

The advantage for you is that you do not have the distraction of another person’s Shadows to continually test you.

This means that your own Shadows can be easy to see. You have an opportunity to dive very deeply into the Venus Stream. As you contemplate a certain Sphere, Gene Key, or line, you may note that it magically manifests in your outer life as some kind of a challenge. Embracing the challenge, you can then experience its hidden Gift.

As you explore your own Sequence and get in touch with these feelings, your journey can become deeply meditative. It can even become quite blissful. This is because you will experience a new level of Core Stability, and will throw out many old patterns. This will in turn revivify your Attractor Field, which may even draw in new relationships as you purify your consciousness. Whatever shape your journey with the Venus Sequence takes, there is as great an opportunity in being single as there is in being with someone. Regardless of your dharma - your destiny, the goal is always the same - the mining of the unconditional love that hides deep inside your DNA.

A natural pause to introduce important information

Before going any further into your Venus Sequence, there is a natural pause at this point in which follows important information concerning the ways in which our Shadow patterns are laid down during the cycles of our childhood. This section is of a mystical nature and unites many streams of wisdom, both ancient and contemporary.

The sacred wound and the doctrine of the sanskaras

A common thread to many of the world’s creation stories, like the sexual would, is the notion of the sacred wound. This is the idea that every human being carries an aspect of suffering on behalf of the whole, and over the course of their lives as they learn to heal this wound through the lessons of love, so they bring healing to an aspect of the whole.

The Venus Sequence is a profound personal investigation into the sacred wound that you carry on behalf of the whole. It can show you the specific pattern and story of your deepest challenge in life, and it aids you in understanding it and healing it.

In the ancient Vedic traditions, there is a mysterious doctrine known as the ‘sanskaras’. Traditionally your ‘sanskaras’ are seen as sense impressions or unconscious imprints left over from previous lives. In the Venus Sequence, we might view the sanskaras as a biogenetic sequence of codes that you inherited at the point of conception. As aspects of the sacred wound, your sanskaras are like a series of subtle memory slates stored inside your being, and each one refracts your view of life like a lens. Without your sanskaras, you would see life as it truly is, infinite and pure. However, your sanskaras skew your view of reality, making your life more challenging. Thus your sanskaras must be understood, purified, and transformed over the course of your life. This is their true purpose – to unlock the pathway to a higher consciousness, and to release the enormous healing capacity of the heart to love unconditionally.

Your Venus Sequence shows you the precise nature of your sanskaras as a sequence designed to be unlocked in a specific order. The Venus Sequence reveals to us how our sanskaras distort our awareness through the stages and cycles of our childhood. The unconscious patterns of the sacred wound are laid down in a sequence, and they can be unlocked and transformed in a sequence.

Each stage of your sequence therefore has a Gene Key and line that corresponds to it, and each of these Gene Keys carries a story about that phase of your childhood. As you contemplate these Gene Keys and their themes in relation to your childhood, you may come to see the very forces that have shaped your life and relationships up to the present. This is a powerful journey that can bring about a profound inner healing.

The 7 year developmental cycles

From this point onwards in your Venus Sequence, you will be metaphorically travelling backwards in time through the various developmental phases of your childhood. We humans operate out of 7-year cellular cycles. Even though different cells are renewed at different rates, the majority of the cells inside the human body are replaced every 7 years. This is where your Hologenetic Profile becomes fascinating, because it gives you archetypal themes for each of the 3 main cycles from the point of your birth to the age of 21. As psychology has long known, our Shadow patterns are rooted in our childhood. However, what the Venus Sequence also shows us is how they are imprinted in our very DNA before we are even born.

Conception - the inheritance of the sacred wound

At the heart of your genesis lies this mysterious process known as the inheritance of the sacred wound.

At a cosmic level, the sacred wound is a rent or tear that formed right at the beginning of the universe, during the Big Bang. It is like a black hole of infinite density that can never be filled, and it is holographically encoded in every aspect of the universe. In essence, the sacred wound is the reason for our existence. Life itself is a response to the sacred wound – because as life tries to fill the mystical hole at the heart of creation, so evolution occurs. When you were conceived, you received the living transmission of the sacred wound. Like the oak tree within the acorn, it was passed on through your ancestral DNA, and recombined in a unique way to form a series of patterns and pathways that will in time come to define who you are.

The Corpus Christi and incarnation of the trinity

Behind both the Venus Sequence and the Gene Keys lies a mystical body of teachings known as the Corpus Christi. This particular spiritual transmission is described in the 22nd Gene Key, and it concerns the mechanics of the invisible world that lies beyond our ordinary awareness. The Corpus Christi lays out a universe of 7 dimensions, each one holographically folded up inside each other like a series of Russian dolls. These dimensional fields can be seen as two pairs of trinities with the 7th dimension enfolding them all. Mystically speaking the sacred wound occurred when the trinities divided. In a human being the trinities are described as sheaths or bodies of different frequencies of consciousness. The lower trinity consists of the physical, astral (emotional), and mental bodies, whereas the upper trinity consists of the causal, buddhic, and atmic bodies.

The mythical fall of humankind is represented by this fundamental divide in our consciousness. Our lower nature reaches upwards through the current of evolution, and our higher nature reaches down into us through the current of involution. The sacred wound therefore drives us to search for our higher nature by reuniting the trinities, and experiencing our full Divine consciousness.

Imprinting of wounds through the 7 year cycles

As we incarnate onto the physical plane, our separation from wholeness is played out in microcosmic form even while we are still in the womb. Each of the 3 trimesters of pregnancy relates to a dividing of our wholeness. Thus our physical body is imprinted with the sacred wound during the 1st Trimester, the astral (emotional) body is imprinted in the 2nd Trimester, and the mental body is imprinted in the 3rd Trimester.

In your Hologenetic Profile, your imprinting in the womb is represented by the Sphere of your Core [wound} with its specific Gene Key and line.

Birth and the first 7 year cycle (0-7 yrs)

The first seven years of our life are the foundation stone of who we are.

The very moment we emerge from the womb is in itself a separation from wholeness. For the rest of our lives, we will unconsciously try and reconnect with this deep cellular memory of being unified with our mother. During this first 7-year cellular cycle our physical body is imprinted with the specific patterns (the sanskaras) that will unconsciously dominate much of our lives. At the Shadow frequency, we each have a deep fear pattern that is layered down during this first cycle. Out of this Shadow however also emerges our SQ – our Spiritual Quotient. Your SQ is a measure of the level that you allow spiritual intelligence to animate your life. As you embrace the Shadow of this Gene Key, so you unlock the Gifts of your SQ, which will in turn guide your life.

In your Hologenetic Profile, your contemplation allows you to reach deeply into these patterns through an understanding of the Sphere of your SQ and the Pathway of Realisation. As the deepest level of your Venus Sequence, when you awaken your SQ to its full potential, you will experience a complete reawakening of your highest consciousness.

The astral body, puberty and the second 7 year cycle (8-14 yrs)

The second 7-year cycle of our life is the phase in which we move through puberty, and develop our primary emotional patterns. In esoteric terms this phase relates to the full incarnation of our astral body, that aspect of our nature that relates primarily through our emotions and desires. It is during this cycle that our astral sanskaras are imprinted as a series of emotional defence strategies designed to protect our heart from pain.

These emotional Shadow patterns then follow us into adulthood, where they become ingrained as repeating emotional issues that undermine our relationships.

Out of these Shadow patterns emerges our EQ – our Emotional Quotient. Your EQ is a measure of the level of your emotional maturity – that is, your ability to take responsibility for your own Shadow patterns and your level of emotional empathy. As you embrace the Shadow of the Gene Key of your EQ, you will find your relationships are gradually transformed.

In your Hologenetic Profile, your contemplation of the Sphere of your EQ and the Pathway of Love can bring about a permanent opening of your heart through an ongoing process of self-forgiveness, leading to an experience of unconditional love.

The mental body and the third 7 year cycle (15-21 yrs)

The third 7-year cycle of our life takes us through our teenage years into young adulthood. These are the formative years of our thinking life. In this cycle we form our primary mental views of life – our opinions, our beliefs, and our basic psychology. Our mental view of the world is founded upon our earlier emotional imprinting in our second 7 year-cycle, which in turn is built upon the basic physiological patterns we developed in our first 7 year cycle.

Thus our IQ emerges from our EQ, which is rooted in our SQ! The further we go back, the deeper the roots of our Shadows are found.

Your IQ is a measure of your mental intelligence – your ability to use both sides of your brain and to think with flexibility and vision. At the same time, the Shadow of the Gene Key relating to your IQ gives rise to unconscious mental patterns and views rooted in a lack of self-worth.

As you dismantle the patterns of this Shadow in your own mind, so you will find that the communication in all your relationships becomes much easier and clearer.

Unpicking the weave of the wound with the Venus Sequence

The purpose of the Venus Sequence is to bring awareness to this complex process in which your Shadow patterns were laid down through your childhood. Because the sacred wound consists of these layers of wounding (the sanskaras) that were imprinted in a chronological sequence, by following that sequence in reverse, we can essentially unpick the weave of the wound.

It is rather like removing the layers of an onion, although the surprise is that each layer contains a Gift. The whole process is a deep psychological journey where our contemplation is trained on each of the stages for a period of time.

Remember it is your life that will be your muse, so pay attention to your relationships, to your moods, to your modes of thinking, and to your physical impulses.

Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story

of that man skilled in all ways of contending,

the wanderer, harried for years on end.

― Homer, The Odyssey

Above all, teach yourself to take responsibility for what goes on inside your being, rather than projecting it out onto others as blame. The Venus Sequence is first and foremost about personal accountability.

The sphere of your IQ

The wonder of the teenage mind

When we arrive at the Sphere of your IQ, we begin our journey backwards in time from young adulthood through our years as a teenager. This part of your journey concerns the cycle of imprinting between the ages of 14 and 21.

The other vital factor in understanding the Venus Sequence is that it is about the child inside you. During this phase you may see patterns and aspects of behaviour left over from your years as a teenager, but that still remain in your psyche. Seeing yourself as a multi-layered, multi-aged human being can be very revealing. The idea that we can continually integrate our childhood even as we age is what leads to a very fulsome life. There are gifts we had as teenagers that we may have forgotten – for instance, our incredibly dextrous mind and its ability to absorb information across many dimensions. Many sharp minds soon become over-intellectualised, losing their sense of ‘springiness’ and edge. The budding teenage brain is a hive of neural possibility, unclouded by dogma, belief system, and opinion.

As your contemplation moves into this cycle of your growth, you may discover places in your mind where thinking has become bogged down, where the natural optimism of youthful experimental thinking has lost its crystal sheen. You should prepare yourself for a mental reckoning – for an honest laser-like scan of the way your thinking has developed over the years since you were a child.

It is during our teen years that our mind sets the tone of the way we will think for most of our lives. Much depends on our social milieu, the quality of parenting we receive, the nature of our family life and our friends, teachers, and peers. In short, our minds are forged out of our early relationships. Sometimes our mind will rebel in a certain direction because of a strong emotional reaction to an authority figure. At other times our mind will be moulded and shaped by a powerful belief system that we are drawn into. The most fortunate among us will develop our minds in a certain direction in response to an inspirational and open-hearted mentor figure or teacher of some kind.

It will be interesting for you to begin a contemplative journey into the relationships that most strongly influenced your mind between the ages of 14 and 21. You can examine the major influences in your life at this time – both from your social peer group, your family, and through your education. Which subjects at school most captivated you? Which teachers caught your imagination? Which if any family members influenced your mind, either as an inspiration or a reaction? You might like to create a mental tree of the influential relationships you had during this phase of your life. When you do this in depth, you may begin to see how your mind developed in a particular direction. The revelation of the Venus Sequence is built upon the existence of subtle planes of being that lie outside the ‘normal’ capacities of our logical mind. These planes of being interlock with each other, but can also be graded at different levels of frequency in order that we can better understand them.

At the densest level is the physical plane, where our bodies feed us sensory information from our physical environment. At the next level up lies the astral plane – the realm of emotions and desires. Most of us have been taught that emotions are the by-products of physical chemistry, so the idea of emotions coming from another plane altogether can really open up our minds to new ways of thinking and seeing. In the Venus Sequence, we also look at life from the other direction – we contemplate the idea that it is our emotional life that informs and creates our physical chemistry.

In the above scenario we might well ask the question: where do emotions come from? Can we open up to the possibility that they are frequencies that we actually attract into our aura? When we look at life in this way, it makes us feel far more empowered. We no longer need think of ourselves as victims of our chemistry. Indeed, now we can become the architects of our chemistry. In this scenario a heightened positive attitude would draw high frequency emotional impulses into our aura, which would then impact our chemistry through our endocrine system. On the other hand, a pessimistic ‘victim’ attitude would magnetise low frequency impulses into our aura making us feel sluggish and depressed. This notion of frequency is so important that it underpins the entire Gene Keys Synthesis. It opens us up to the possibility that the universe is magical – a possibility we may well have once embraced during our early years before our intuition, creativity and imagination became slowly lost.

One of the hallmarks of our teenage cycle of development is a powerful attraction and openness to the genre of science fiction and fantasy. These genres allow the mind its fullest capacity to stretch out into realms and possibilities that we can only access through the power of imagination and intuition.

Exorcising the mental body

One of the things that happens to us during our 3rd 7-year cycle of development is that our minds receive the imprint of the sacred wound as it moves up the planes of our being from our earlier cycles. We have seen how the wound itself is received at conception, then imprinted during the three trimesters of gestation to be made manifest later in our three 7-year developmental cycles. Because the mental wound is the last aspect to develop (in the 3rd trimester), it is the first aspect we must tackle, if we are to move any deeper in our healing process. This is why we begin our deeper process of contemplation here.

Just as there is a subtle mental plane, so we might extend our thinking even further to encompass the idea that we also have a mental body. This allows us a broader conception of how we build up our thinking process throughout our lives. It might also be helpful to see the mental body as a subtle bioenergetic sheath that extends throughout our aura. As we have seen, during our teenage cycle, we have a natural affinity for the supernatural, and our mental body is vast, extending out far into the holographic cosmos. As we get older our thinking tends to undergo a closing down, and thus our mental body shrinks and contracts to encompass only as much as we allow it to.

During our 2nd 7-year cycle in which the sacred wound is imprinted through our astral (emotional) body, we experience an emotional contraction as we learn our primary emotional defence strategies for coping with the pain of the world. This in turn is then transferred to our mental body during this 3rd teenage cycle. This time however the contraction is mental. Although the wound may be emotional in origin, it then closes off aspects of the mind. Thus we establish an unconscious pattern of thinking whose purpose is to protect us from hurt. At the same time, this deep fear creates an undercurrent to our thinking which prevents us from seeing life as it is, without judgement. In the Venus Sequence, this pattern is represented by the Sphere of your IQ and its specific Gene Key and line.

As we examine the way in which we think about ourselves, we will see how it influences the way we think about others, and therefore the way in which we relate. The Sphere of your IQ really represents a blind-spot in your psyche. Once you begin to see this pattern, you can begin the process of dismantling it through awareness. This is really a kind of mental exorcism, as we throw out old unconscious belief patterns that keep us from relating with the world in an open-hearted way. As you go about this extraordinary subtle process, you can really contemplate how you have allowed the way you see the world to be compromised. This is a process that will take some time, and that will continue throughout your journey along the Golden Path.

The Sphere of your IQ represents a mental pattern that holds back the pressure of emotion deep within the cells of your body. This is why in relationships we can be so easily triggered by certain issues, people, or vocal tones. Whenever a low frequency emotional pattern is triggered by another person, there you can see this pattern at work. It is intriguing and perhaps shocking to realise how the mental patterns we formed as a teenager still persist inside us as mature adults. Many of us never reach a fuller mental or emotional maturity for the rest of our lives. It takes a lot of courage to take responsibility for one’s own Shadow patterns. What this means is that when we experience an emotional conflict with a partner, what is often occurring is that two childhood patterns are fighting against each other. Without awareness, such patterns can be very painful and may seem relentless.

It is very important and worthwhile to dig deeply into the Sphere of your IQ and the Gene Key that corresponds to it. This is a place to put your full attention. It is also a good idea to travel back in your memory, and rekindle some of the major events that marked out your teenage years. The events we remember most easily are memorable for a good reason, so they are a good place to begin our contemplation.

The huge benefit of doing this inner work is that awareness changes everything. Instead of being a victim of a reaction pattern, your new mindset ignites a deep cellular healing process. As you change the way you think about yourself and others, so your emotions begin to travel more freely through your astral body. This process is discussed in more depth as we enter the Pathway of Intelligence. The important thing to realise is that the same energy that made us react also ignites our healing.


It is interesting that in order to unlock the deeper currents of our emotions, we must first unlock our minds. The Shadow of your IQ tells the same story in every human being – just in different ways. The common story is that at some point we began to believe ourselves unworthy of love. Out of this deep-seated belief, we developed a narrow way of thinking and behaving that often only emerges when we feel emotionally threatened or uncomfortable. When you contemplate this Shadow, look at the way you behave when you feel stressed or under pressure. See how your mind contracts around the emotions that lie beneath the behaviour. It is important to get in touch with the teenager inside you and their feelings.

The Shadow of your IQ is a pattern that you developed whenever you felt overwhelmed by the power of your emotions. Try and see how this Gene Key and its line holds an incredible key for you. When you can see the power this pattern has over you, then you will open up the floodgates to a deeper process of cellular healing that may go on for some time. As a trigger in your psyche, this Shadow should be approached with an open mind and given as much time to unfold as it needs.


Once our mind has been freed from holding back our fuller maturity, an enormous amount of energy is released through our body and brain. Having said this, neural pathways take some rewiring.

We will have to be continually alert for the Shadow pattern whenever we experience emotional discomfort. However, the great news is that as you open your mind once again to the possibility that you are worthy of love, then you become more intelligent! Your IQ represents your mental alacrity, but it also involves something else that is not a part of the average IQ test – optimism.

Optimism is not the same as positive thinking, which can be natural or forced as a technique.

Optimism comes from drawing in high frequency thought forms. It is the nature of a true open mind. The Gift of your IQ is therefore more than just being clever or intellectual – it is about open-circuit thinking. The mark of true intelligence is the certainty that you are fully worthy of love. When you consider the Gene Key of your IQ, see which qualities shine through you when you live with this kind of a loving, accepting, and forgiving open mind.


The Siddhi of your IQ allows you access to the quantum field of the whole universe. The mental plane can only take your consciousness so far, for there is an awareness system in your body that allows you to transcend the limits of your thinking. This involves the subtler bodies that lie beyond the mental body.

The mental body has a higher counterpart known as the Atmic body, and this allows you to experience a depth of consciousness that is far, far beyond the mind. The Atmic body can only relay Truth, and it does so through silence, once the mind has fallen silent. When the Venus Sequence has been ignited inside your DNA, the expansion of your consciousness will continue on its own.

The trigger point of the Sphere of your IQ goes on unlocking energy through your being, and the wider your mind opens, the more love comes pouring through your heart. You should therefore take the Siddhi of your IQ seriously.

When you examine the Shadow of your IQ, see what manner of vastness it is holding back inside you, and hold this quality always in your heart.


The 18th shadow - judgement

The victim mind

Built into the human genetic matrix is a deep sensitivity to imperfection, and it is this sensitivity that gives rise to the human qualities of criticism and judgement. As we shall see, the 18th Gene Key and its themes of Judgement and Integrity can have either an empowering or a disempowering effect on you and others. This theme of Judgement runs about as deep in human nature as any other trait you can imagine.

The 18th Shadow begins in your childhood. It has a built-in need to challenge authority, and the first real authority in your life is your parents. Challenging our parents is a fundamentally healthy thing to do, as it is a part of our innate urge to become differentiated. This process begins in earnest as we enter our third seven-year cycle and roughly spans the ages of 14 through 21. This stage of our development primarily concerns the growth and expansion of our mental faculties, and it is during this period that our future opinions are laid down and our capacity to judge is tested and forged. The key to this process lies more in the frequency of the parents than the child. If the parents make the mistake of taking this process personally, the child will never fully make the transition through this biological phase, instead becoming stuck at the same low-frequency as the parents.

If, however, the parents do not get stuck in their own judgemental or self-judgemental patterns, then this phase will result in true adulthood. Sadly, most children never make it to true adulthood but stay solidly trapped in deep low frequency patterns of judgement for the rest of their lives.

The 18th Shadow gives rise to a collective phenomenon in the world known as the victim mind. The victim mind is a conglomeration of all the undermining, judgemental thought patterns throughout the world. If you sincerely examine your own thoughts during a typical day, you will probably discover that a great percentage of your thinking is affected by the victim mind. In other words you are allowing your mind to be influenced by the collective negative thought patterns of the whole of humanity. The true import of this last statement can come as a huge shock to many people. The world of the victim mind is an inner world of gossip, complaining and worrying.

Most of us complain inwardly about all aspects of our lives, especially the people in our relationships, and we worry incessantly about mundane issues such as money and our health. Ironically, it is exactly this kind of thinking that keeps us from being abundant in terms of both our wealth and our health. You may think it is absolutely human to complain, but it creates a negative frequency in the human aura of both the complainer and the victim. In other words, the more you complain the more you damage yourself and the world.

Morally speaking, judgement gets a bad rap in the modern world. We talk about being non-judgemental as though it were one of the highest goals in life. In fact, it is impossible not to judge because judgement is the way in which the human mind thinks. What defines the low frequency of the victim mind is that you identify with what you think — in other words, your judgements define your identity and make you feel more secure. However, if you can make a judgement and at the same time be aware of judging then you are no longer trapped by your own mind and thus the frequency around that judgement changes. Because the 18th Shadow is twinned with the 17th Shadow of Opinion, these two genetic themes are inseparably linked through the structure of your DNA. All judgement is rooted in opinion and vice versa. The more you think you are your opinions the more you have to defend them, whereas the more lightly they are held the less attached you will be to being right. This 18th Shadow is about needing to be right. It takes a loosening and a lightening of your identity to let go of your need to be right.

If this Gene Key is a part of your Hologenetic Profile then the most important question to ask yourself is: Would I rather be right or happy?

What is so fascinating about the 18th Shadow is that the details of the judgements themselves are utterly irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what your political views are or how much you might detest or disapprove of someone. The only thing that matters is how seriously you take your own judgements. If your identity rests on your judgements then everywhere you go you will stir people up negatively — not through your opinions, but through the turbulent frequency you put out into your environment. Even if your judgement feels positive to you, the chances are it will still be misread by others just because you hold it so tightly. The themes of both the 17th and 18th Shadows can also become easily obsessed with details. The victim mind can fixate on the tiniest and most irrelevant details in life. At a low frequency these are the kinds of minds that blow things far out of proportion, espousing opinions that are actually far removed from the facts.

The 18th Shadow holds another of the key secrets of all human interaction — all judgement is self-judgement. Because we humans perceive ourselves as separate from each other, we miss this vital fact. To challenge another person is to create a division within yourself. This does not mean that you should never challenge others, but it does mean that you need to remember that the other represents something inside of you that you are being given an opportunity to resolve. The key to raising the frequency of the 18th Shadow lies in this perspective that everything external in your life is a mirror of an internal process seeking resolution. This is why the highest aspect of the 18th Gene Key is Perfection, because life is continually offering you a pathway to the realisation of your own perfection.

The secret of this Shadow is the gradual realisation that your outer life is your greater body. The more deeply you accept responsibility for this, the less personally you take life and the easier it becomes. The 18th Shadow is thus a place inside your DNA that causes you to become mentally attached to the material world and all its distractions, which in the long run only serves to increase your suffering. However, as you escape the victim mind you begin to alter the coding structure of this aspect of your DNA, thereby attracting a higher energetic frequency stream into your life and changing everything for the better.

Repressive nature - inferiority

The repressive side of the 18th Shadow is about feeling inferior. This pattern first develops through our relationship with our parents, particularly during our teen years. If our parents judge us too harshly during these formative years, a pattern of self-judgement sets in. If you are one of these people then your pattern is to turn judgement in on yourself. Out of your own self-judgement you become a conformist, going along with the majority instead of standing up for yourself and your own convictions. All judgement is based on comparison, and with self-judgement you compare yourself unfavourably to someone who you consider to be above you. This in turn gives rise to a deep-seated feeling of inferiority and a constant habit of undermining yourself.

Repressive nature - superiority

The reactive side of the 18th Shadow manifests as the judgement of others based on feeling superior. This judgement emerges as a constant need to challenge any authority figure, beginning with the parents. If the process of challenging one’s parents is not permitted a natural resolution, this behaviour pattern becomes a permanent part of one’s character. It occurs when our parents do not maintain strong enough boundaries around us and instead fall victim to their own self-judgements. The urge to challenge then becomes cemented by an unconscious anger in the child that the parents were not strong enough to maintain their integrity. This translates in the teen’s life to a deep disrespect for authority and a belief that one is somehow above it. These are volatile people whose very identity is then built around the undermining of others.

The 18th Gift - integrity

Taking on the world

The 18th Gene Key is psychologically extremely profound. It is actually the basis of psychology because it holds the keys to human conditioning. From the moment a child is born, an innate urge inside its DNA begins to explore the boundaries of its environment. This Gene Key is about the material, emotional and mental boundaries that you meet throughout your life. Because we are biologically imprinted in seven-year cycles, it is possible to say that we have not fully incarnated into our lives until the age of 21. The first seven years critically tests the integrity of the physical world through the development of our physical foundations — our skeletal structure, muscles, basic physiology and movement. The second seven-year cycle sees the development of our emotional life as we pass through puberty and learn to handle our sexuality and the way it governs our basic identity through attraction and repulsion. The third seven-year phase completes our incarnative cycle into adulthood by way of our teen years when our thinking develops extremely rapidly and we adopt a mental structure made up of many levels of judgement and opinion.

Each of the three phases of our early life is built upon each other in a logarithmic fashion. This means that a problem encountered in the first cycle will appear again at the same junction in the second and third cycles. Throughout each of these cycles, the Codon Ring of Matter and its associated Gene Keys play a crucial role through continued testing of the outer environment. Essentially, these Gene Keys are looking for constant biofeedback so that the child can orient itself in the world in a healthy manner.

Since the 18th Gene Key governs your intellectual development through your teen years from 14 to 21, it answers a lot of questions that parents may have about this challenging phase of young adulthood. The patterns that emerge in this third cycle of your life are dependent on what happened in the earlier two cycles. If, for example, your parents split up during the middle of the second phase, then this same type of upheaval will appear in your life in the middle of your third cycle, but this time it will have a mental focus rather than an emotional one. At every stage in your early development you have many opportunities to heal aspects of earlier cycles, or depending on how you and those around you deal with these challenges, you will imprint these low frequency patterns even more deeply into your psyche.

The third seven-year cycle governed by the 18th Gene Key is therefore the most critical cycle because it represents the last chance parents have to help their child reach true adulthood. If the parents are not rooted deeply in their own integrity, they will fail to create the proper environment for the child to pass cleanly through this most challenging phase. The 18th Gene Key thus determines whether a child enters adulthood as an integrated adult or as a wounded child posing as an adult. Naturally parents have to set some strong boundaries during this teenage phase, but the 18th Gene Key is not really about this. The secret of the Gift of Integrity is to be able to hold your own space without reacting to your judgements or self-judgements. As a parent, you will be drawn in by the upheaval of this period in a child’s life, but as a parent you also have to learn to stand back from it and trust in it. If parents truly understood how crucial their role is during this phase in their child’s life, they might act with less judgement and feel much surer of themselves.

Integrity as a vibration means far more than just holding fast to your values. It is actually a word often used by architects and engineers to describe the strength of material structures. Integrity is a deeply physical attribute and is actually a function of your immune system in maintaining the tensile strength within your body. For many people who have to resolve issues from their teenage cycle, it will take a full seven years — whether through therapy, bodywork or some other sustained system that targets your conditioning. Integrity is born into the human vehicle, but it also has to be earned — whether during teen years or later on in life. When a person has attained the Gift of Integrity or grown into it through a healthy passage into adulthood, it will remain forever because it is the true nature of every human being.

If the 18th Gene Key is prominent in your Hologenetic Profile, your life will continually bring you back to these recurring issues rooted in your childhood. You will have to understand what made you the way you are in order to release the aspects of your conditioning that do not belong to you.

In time, this will make you a master of understanding the ways conditioning works and you can help others break free just as you have.

When you are free from the trap of the victim mind, your judgement becomes Integrity — the archenemy of the victim mind. It is the same energy, the same archetype, but experienced from a higher level of consciousness. Judgement, criticism and correction are magnificent qualities when used in the right way.

The Gift of Integrity is about demanding and maintaining a high standard in everything you do. As a fully healed adult, your purpose is to help others complete their childhoods so that they can finally enjoy their lives and pass on their integrity to their children.

To uphold Integrity, you have to be courageous — you have to challenge anything and anyone who does not meet your high standards. To live with Integrity is to take on the whole world — to challenge it to meet the high standards you are setting. Wherever you see someone living with Integrity, you are seeing someone using the power of judgement in an objective and impersonal way. This is the great Gift of the 18th Gene Key — not to use or take judgement personally, but to learn to judge from your heart. Judging from the heart can never be cruel because true Integrity has only one purpose — to serve the whole in the spirit of truth and compassion.

The 18th siddhi - perfection

The Bodhisattva

Just as the 18th Gift completes our journey from childhood to adulthood, the 18th Siddhi shows us how to heal our mental anguish and assume our true place in the universe as whole adults. It does this through tireless compassionate service to the vision of perfection.

When you put your Integrity in service to the whole, an amazing thing happens — you become more and more dissatisfied! The more good you do, the more you realise how much more you could do. This is known as divine dissatisfaction. Everywhere you look, you see how the world could be improved. As you become more and more anchored in your integrity you aim higher and higher in your service. Perfection is the highest vision a human being can aim for, and you do begin to aim for this highest of ideals — not for yourself, but for the sake of the world. At this level you are using the archetype of judgement to challenge the fabric of reality itself. The higher levels are infinite and therefore seem impossible to attain, but like a Zen Koan that cannot be solved by the mind, if you keep aiming for perfection it will eventually blossom within you as a natural state. You will pass beyond the very definition of perfection.

The 18th Siddhi contains some profound paradoxes. Living in a state of perfection entails the death of the mind and, as such, perfection is an ending. When you realise perfection, evolution ends. But the 18th Siddhi is the source of the tradition of the bodhissatva vow. The Bodhissatva is a being who forgoes their highest state of consciousness in order to stay in the world and help others attain that state.

We have seen that the 18th Gene Key is designed to ensure human health by constantly challenging our environment to come in line with higher principles. What then is perfect health? This is an interesting question because it involves the whole of creation. The true physical health of humanity cannot be attained until all human wounds have been healed. Even though a human may attain a state of perfection beyond all human understanding,

the body is still a part of humanity and as long as there are still wounds in the world, almost nobody can experience perfect health. In other words, perfect health cannot occur unless the whole is healed. This is why the siddhic states of consciousness still have a purpose in the world — they reflect the state of inner perfection to all humanity so that in time we will recreate that state in the outer world as well.

The 18th Siddhi will also one day bring a new science of mental healing into the world. This science will be built upon the understanding that the mind is an energy field existing on its own plane. As we begin to unlock this Siddhi, so our minds can be used to heal mental, emotional and even physical problems instantaneously. Even deep psychic disturbances can be completely healed through contact with this 18th Siddhi. It will herald a new age of healing in which human perfection will come thicker and faster than we may believe.

To the one who lives within this Siddhi, perfection is already here as an imprint underlying all creation. These people live in the Eden that we all long for, but paradoxically they must help move that state from the inner reality to the outer.

The 18th Siddhi is not often seen in the world today. It involves the incarnation of an archetype of perfection. Such people are tireless in the service they give to humanity. Paradoxically, they know through personal spiritual experience that the world is perfect exactly as it is — there is nothing about the world that need be improved. Yet they are driven by this archetype of perfection to keep tirelessly improving both themselves and the world until the day they die. All beings within the siddhic state share this dilemma of having completed their inner evolution, yet find themselves still living in the world. The physical vehicle completely changes its programming after entering the highest siddhic state of enlightenment. If the 18th Gene Key is activated within your Hologenetic Profile then you will continue to lead humanity towards perfection in any and every way you can conceive of. Often such people are called saints.

Another aspect of the 18th Siddhi concerns the way in which we think, and especially the way in which we think about others. One of the great universal laws is that energy follows thought. This Gene Key has enormous power over the mental plane and can completely reformat a person’s mental reality. Someone demonstrating the 18th Siddhi is above the victim mind — when they look at someone, even someone who appears genuinely evil, they see only the Higher Self hidden in that person. By holding this high thought frequency around that person, they actually influence hidden currents of energy that raise the frequency of the other. This is called siddhic thinking, and it involves thinking with the heart. This is much more than positive thinking. Siddhic thinking is really an energy field surrounding the aura of the one manifesting the 18th Siddhi, and in this sense it should not be considered thinking in the normal sense of the word.

Each Gene Key has its own higher programming function. Some are designed to just sit there awash in the bliss of their nirvana, whilst others have far more definitive roles to fulfil. The 18th Siddhi actually serves a very mystical purpose — it heals the split in the mental plane itself bringing humanity closer and closer to its realisation of oneness. It cannot and will not sit still until this great rift in the world mind has been healed. Higher reality perceives the mind not as a mere function of the human brain but as a mental body or plane woven into the living aura. This mental body is both an individual construct in the human auric field and a great plane that unites all human beings as one.

Perfection only exists within the timeless realm. It is beyond time and space because it is the end of evolution. The bodhissatva Gene Keys keep returning to our planet as individual human beings whose sole purpose is to build this collective vision of perfection on the material plane. All human beings are involved in this great dance, whether we are aware of it or not. We are all moving towards this single dream of a species that will one day attain perfection and reach the end of its story. As we will all one day see, the end of the story also happens to be the beginning of our universal life.

The line of my IQ

Each of the 6 lines of your IQ represent a different kind of psychological bias. These are generalised modes or styles of thinking that underpin our behaviour. You will also see that each line has a Shadow keynote. This relates to a pattern of thinking and behaviour that we developed between the age of 14 and 21.

Line 1: the contemplative mind (hidden)

The foundation of all mental genius is the ability to contemplate. You may well think that contemplation is something that anyone can do, but this is not always the case. Contemplation takes discipline and open-mindedness. The contemplative mind also underpins a contemplative lifestyle, so if you have a 1st line IQ then this kind of lifestyle will suit you very well. You need plenty of time to peruse. You need regular breaks throughout your day in order for insight to percolate. Contemplation is a way of being. It is easy-going and rhythmical, and enjoys a kind of meandering lifestyle in which there is a consistent blend of interior focus and exploration. A person with a 1st line IQ will be one of the most fascinating people you will ever encounter. Because of their internal focus, you may not even realise how deep such a person is.

There have always been contemplative types living among us. In times gone by, these people of the 1st line IQ might have taken refuge in the great religious traditions, or they would have become our wise ones. Contemplation thrives on aloneness, so if you have a 1st line IQ then those around you need to understand this genetic imperative that drives you. This does not mean that you have to keep going away to be alone – it means that you carry your aloneness around inside you. It is a palpable inner force, carrying with it great love and patience.

At the Shadow frequency however, this kind of psychology is very uncomfortable, both for you and for others. The 1st line has a natural tendency towards turning inwards. As a teenager, you may well have dealt with pain and intense emotion by turning inwards and withdrawing into your mind. This is the hidden mind. No one ever knows what is going on inside a child like this. They may physically lock themselves in their bedroom, or they may just clam up and tell you nothing.

If you have a 1st line IQ, then you need to learn to find a way to safely express what is going on inside you. This does not always have to be through spoken words. There are many levels of communication available to the contemplative mind.

Sometimes a poem, a picture, a smile, a touch, or a clear action can say far more about our inner state than any spoken word. Later in life the Shadow of the 1st line IQ can make such people very difficult to get to know, as their feelings may have become so habitually internalised that they are difficult to access. If you have a 1st line IQ, then anything that helps you towards a greater self expression will be hugely beneficial for you and for the world.

The pathway of intelligence

When we were introduced to the Activation Sequence, we saw a very simple threefold pattern that is universal in its nature – we are confronted with a challenge, and it is our wholehearted response to this challenge that allows us to experience a breakthrough.

As we approach the sixth Pathway - the Pathway of Intelligence - we arrive at another kind of challenge. This time the challenge is not about our Life’s Work or our outer life.

The challenge of the Pathway of Intelligence concerns the correct balance of the mind and the emotions in your life. A healthy equilibrium between these two planes is a major indicator of true intelligence. We have already seen through the Sphere of the IQ how powerful the mind can be at holding back the emotions. The Venus Sequence is all about emotion. Its purpose is to free the emotions, so that they flow through us effortlessly as nature intended.

The Venus Sequence teaches us that intelligence is a process rather than an achievement or birthright. This process moreover is intimately linked to our awakening. In our relationships the gauge of our awakening is our ability to communicate clearly, openly, and with respect. This Pathway of Intelligence is therefore all about balanced and open communication, which lies at the heart of our ability to relate with others.

It is interesting that we so often view intelligence as an individual phenomenon. Through the lens of the Venus Sequence however, you may come to view intelligence as an interactive forcefield that lies between two or more living auras. This is the deeper meaning of the Pathway of Intelligence. Every relationship actually has a natural intelligence of its own, and when we find the keys to unlock this intelligence, then we will have triggered an extraordinary process of collaborative awakening that is only now just emerging in our world.

The "Eden Loop"

We may note that every Pathway comprising the Venus Sequence has a Shadow keynote (with the exception of the final Pathway of Realisation). In this case it is the Pathway of Defence. The two Spheres at either end of this Pathway of Intelligence and Defence dictate the quality and frequency of our communication. If our low frequency mental teenage pattern (IQ) is in charge, then this will most likely trigger the other person’s emotional defence strategy (EQ). This in turn triggers our own low frequency IQ pattern to engage. In the Venus Sequence, this process of the sequential triggering of each other’s childhood patterns is known as the ‘Eden Loop’. The Eden Loop is a low frequency biofeedback loop that often occurs in relationships as two people’s Shadow sequences collide. A major part of working with the Venus Sequence concerns the awareness of such patterns that prevent us from communicating in an open and respectful way.

Once awareness enters into the equation, we are more likely to catch our own reactive shadow patterns as they are occurring. In this way we can prevent ourselves from being a victim of those patterns. This is why it was stated earlier, that it only takes one person to begin the transformation of a relationship. The moment one person refuses to engage their side of the Eden Loop, then the pattern itself has nowhere to go. The Eden aspect only emerges as this Pathway begins to open up between two people. The Shadow is transformed into a loving state, and a much deeper form of communication becomes possible. In order to understand how the Pathway of Intelligence really works in your own relationships, you need to become more and more aware of how you communicate, and of how you react to the way others communicate.

The art of joining

There are always moments in your relationship when either you or your partner triggers a childhood Shadow reaction pattern, activating the Eden Loop. As you become more attentive and more aware of these moments, you will eventually be able to catch them as they occur. Sometimes you may be able to catch them before they occur.

Most emotional triggers occur because one person in the relationship uses a language and tone that activates a core unconscious belief that we are unworthy of being loved. Whether we react with anger, irritation, resentment, silence, guilt, or any other low frequency response, the source of our reaction in that moment is that we have forgotten to love and honour ourselves.

The first step in dismantling this pattern is to be aware of the trigger going off inside yourself. Despite this hurt you feel inside, you need to recognise that the pattern belongs to you, and even though the other person may have been insensitive, there is something important they are also trying to communicate to you.

If you are to be able to discuss your feelings with another person without triggering their pattern, you can learn the art of ‘joining’. Joining simply means that before you respond to what they said or did, you find a way to validate them. Validation is a technique commonly used in situations where emotions run high, and it can diffuse a great deal of misunderstanding. To validate someone you have to see life from their perspective. Below is an example of how to validate someone else’s feelings:

Scenario 1 - reacting

Partner 1: "Why don’t you ever do the dishes? I feel like it’s always me that does them."

Partner 2: "I’m always doing them. I can’t believe you say that. I bet if we kept a record, we’d see I have done them more often than you!"

The argument continues...

Scenario 2 - joining

Partner 1: "Why don’t you ever do the dishes? I feel like it’s always me that does them."

Partner 2: "You’re right, I haven’t done them for a while, and it must feel a bit like I’m not helping as much as usual. Here let me give you a hand."

Although the above example may seem rather trite, it does demonstrate a universal truth – that most problems in communication are down to one or both partners not feeling that they are being listened to. In the first scenario Partner 2 simply reacts in an unthinking and defensive way, which then triggers Partner 1’s reaction pattern, and so the pattern repeats itself. It may well be that Partner 1’s initial statement is based on their current feeling rather than a long term view, but it can easily be interpreted as an unjust judgement of Partner 2. However, for someone to say something like that, there must be some grain of truth to it, so it is probable that Partner 1 has not done the dishes at least in a short while!

In the 2nd Scenario we can see how joining works. Instead of instantly reacting on the assumption that Partner 1’s statement is an indictment of their whole character, Partner 2 begins by empathising with Partner 1, validating their feelings. They also take a step towards Partner 1 by offering to help, instead of taking a step away. Not only is a conflict averted, but because Partner 1 feels supported and heard, they are now open to further communication. Partner 2 may have felt hurt or unjustly judged by the way Partner 1 expressed their initial cry for help, so if they need to they can share that, for example:

Partner 2: "When you said you felt like you are always doing the dishes, it felt a bit unfair to me, as I often do them."

Partner 1: "Yes it must have seemed unfair, because you do do them quite a lot. I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed. I’m sorry about how it came out."

Again, you can see here how Partner 1 has also validated Partner 2’s feeling of injustice. This simple linking into the other person’s inner state using language is how joining works. It ensures that a healthy open-hearted dialogue can continue. Initially when using a technique like this, it may feel a bit forced as you learn how to find the right words, but the more you practise this simple technique, the more subtle and natural it becomes. The power of the technique can be immediately seen when used in any situation where someone has been triggered into a deep emotional pattern.

The pathway of intelligence - a cascade of consciousness

Every relationship offers us such a journey into higher consciousness, but our Dharma will continue to test us until we have burnt up all the Karma! It may take us the best part of a lifetime to allow ourselves to be transformed in this way. As in anything, we will go through periods of difficulty and periods of ease. Above all, this Pathway of Intelligence teaches us to let go of being defensive. This is why it offers us such a challenge, but it is the greatest challenge there is, and it comes with the greatest reward.

Over time you will learn to respond to emotionally charged situations, while retaining your core stability and self love. 

As we shall see, our reward is the breakthrough of unconditional love, as we pass through the subsequent Spheres of our EQ and our SQ.

The sphere of your EQ

When we arrive at the Sphere of our EQ, we have come to the very apex of our emotional wound. Although the wound runs deeper than our emotions, it is here that the fire must burn the brightest in order that the transformation can take place. The human emotional journey is one of pleasure and pain, of passion and turmoil, of longing and despair, of ugliness and beauty. After we have made the transition through the Great Change, all this will have changed. We will be a different race of beings, less in the thrall of our emotional dramas, unburdened by the weight of our feelings. In essence we will no longer be victims of our emotions. It is in the Sphere of your EQ that you will find the core of your emotional challenges in this life.

The Sphere of your EQ represents your emotional quotient – the measure of your emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare to find a human being who has a mature emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence has to do with three main things: our ability to listen, our ability to communicate clearly, and our willingness to take responsibility for our own feelings. The challenge of the Pathway of Intelligence is a juggling act between our IQ and our EQ, both of which are vital components of a well-rounded intelligence. Your EQ is imprinted during your 2nd 7-year cycle between the ages of 8 and 14. This phase of our childhood is the mid-ground between being a young child and becoming a young adult. Because this phase is in the middle of our childhood development, in many ways it is one of our greatest transitions in life.

EQ and the cycle of puberty (8-14)

From approximately the age of 11 or 12 most children enter into puberty. This is an intense period of chemical transition as new hormones are being released into the body. Our DNA is pre-coded to release these life-changing substances into our bloodstream as part of the awakening of our sexuality. During this phase of our young lives, it seems that everything about us is changing.

Crossing the rubicon

One of the most well-rounded, sensitive, and holistic approaches to childhood education and development is the Steiner/Waldorf model. Conceived by the Austrian mystic Rudolf Steiner this approach considers the child from the deepest of angles. Steiner speaks of the three 7-year stages from birth to 21 as an ongoing process of incarnation in which the subtle bodies of the child are still literally coming into form. As in the Gene Keys view, the 2nd stage of development from 8 to 14 years also corresponds to the emotional development of the child. The beauty of the Steiner approach is that it has been tried and tested for over a century in thousands of schools around the globe.

Steiner teachers over the years have noted a powerful pattern occurring in children at around the age of nine years. This stage is known as ‘crossing the Rubicon’, which is a metaphor for a journey with no return. Corresponding with the loss of the child’s milk teeth at around this age, the Rubicon represents the final transition from an experience of oneness with the world to the early development of the ego, or the sense of ‘I’. Children at around this time begin to test their teachers’ and parents’ boundaries in a powerful new way. In another sense you could say that this is the child’s final shaking off of the vestiges of Eden, as their consciousness begins to view the world from the perspective of a separate individual.

This extraordinary phase in our development is usually profoundly misunderstood by our parents and peers, who through no fault of their own are probably ignorant of what is really occurring. Were our teachers and parents aware of the momentous relevance of this time in our psychic and emotional development they would probably treat it very differently, with reverence and compassion, as opposed to discipline and harshness. Indeed most of modern education has no notion of the subtle development of the child. The adult view itself has little memory of life before the Rubicon. The Steiner approach has also noted another further transition connected to the Rubicon occurring at the later age of around eleven years.

"Keeping it in the porch" - an emotional commitment while travelling the golden path

Emotional maturity means that you can express your emotional needs but without pressure or blame. It takes a real intelligence to be able to walk this line between expressing your inner emotional life, and simply realising that there are things that are better left unsaid.

There are so many things that we feel are simply better transformed internally. There is a common misconception in our western culture that suggests that all emotions are best simply expressed in the moment they emerge. This is again an issue of boundaries. We have been told since the advent of Freud that emotions that are not expressed can be damaging to us. To an extent it is true that the repression of emotions and desires is indeed a dangerous thing. The more we try and battle a feeling, the more power we give it.

There is however another path – the path of emotional alchemy. Many feelings can be allowed, accepted, and embraced internally. They can be shared if appropriate, but a great deal of our emotional life (particularly our emotional Shadows) is best transformed internally. Again, another sign of a healthy EQ is enough consideration for others not to lay all of our emotional issues at their feet. We each have enough to deal with just with our own issues!

Emotional contemplation involves being with our feelings in a new and powerful way. We make the commitment to draw our intense feelings inward without in any way repressing them. In a nutshell we allow them time inside us. So many arguments and conflicts erupt in relationships, because we indulge our feelings in the moment that they occur. This is a challenging habit to break! Emotional contemplation can help us break this habit by simply retaining the feelings, impulses, and words in a holding bay inside us.

In the UK, many houses have a small external room or covering built over the front door. Known as the porch, this serves as a transitionary area where coats and boots are often taken off and hung up before we enter into the house fully. As you learn the art of emotional contemplation, you can make an inner commitment to yourself regarding this new way of handling your emotions in relationships. This is the 2nd major technique of the Venus Sequence. We learn to ‘keep our emotions in the porch’. Instead of simply allowing the stream of our emotions to come pouring out without any awareness, we give them a moment of pause.

Keeping our feelings in the porch does not mean that we hold back from expressing ourselves. It simply means that we acknowledge that some things are better unsaid and we need time to see what, if anything, does need to be said. If we have held our feelings in the metaphorical porch for a while and they still want to come out, then that is also okay. But the chances are they will emerge in a different, more considered and diplomatic way.

This technique of simply holding onto our low frequency emotions for a while, instead of blurting them out is so simple that most people have never considered it! It is however the basis of emotional alchemy.

The upside of your EQ - defence or dance

As you employ these simple techniques and insights, you will soon see what a hub of transformation the Sphere of your EQ really is. It is the first place where the sacred wound emerges onto the emotional/astral plane. This means that there is an enormous charge in this Sphere. As you bring deeper awareness into the patterns of this Gene Key in your life, you will find that two things happen – the first is that you will begin to drop your defences in relationships. Dropping your defences is not the same as dropping your boundaries. Whenever we feel emotionally threatened, we contract into a defensive pattern that we learned in our childhood. By slowing down the intensity of our emotional life, we take the sting out of this pattern. The second thing that occurs as we transform these emotional shadow patterns internally is that we feel a new buoyancy inside. Figuratively speaking, we begin to want to dance.

The upside of our EQ is that we rekindle a lost part of our childhood – our love of play. The very energy that goes into defending ourselves from the perceived threats of others is released into our life as a spirit of playfulness. When the Gene Key of your EQ is positively released at a higher frequency, this quality emerges in a very playful manner.


The Shadow and line of the Gene Key in the Sphere of your EQ will consistently undermine your Core Stability. This is an emotional pattern, so even if the Gene Key you have here has a strong mental bias, it will be in conjunction with your emotional makeup. A lack of emotional intelligence often manifests as a tendency to get caught up in blaming others. We blame others for our condition, because we are unable or unwilling to take full responsibility for it. In most cases we are not even aware of our emotional Shadow patterns, but have simply become accustomed to indulging in them.

The Shadow of your EQ often has to do with the indulgence of the low frequency state. It is a sad fact that we often save our worst behaviour for those we claim to love the most. As we have seen, an important aspect of having a high EQ is consideration for those we love. Instead of indulging in our negativity just because we can, we either sublimate it into something creative, or we draw it inside and allow it to be transformed. Look deeply into the Shadow of your EQ, and you will find its roots going back to your 2nd childhood cycle. Then move into a deep contemplative process with this pattern until you have seen how and when it emerges in your life. Under what conditions do you forget to be kind to those you love? Once you have got to the bottom of this pattern, you will find it much easier to transform.


The Gifts of your EQ are manifold and wonderful. This is about bringing the best of your childhood alive again. We all need to play in life. Life can be hard and serious at times, but it can also be filled with wonder and delight. As you learn to transcend and transform the victim patterns of the Shadow of your EQ, you will give birth to the eternal spirit of the inner child once again. Look into the Gift of the Gene Key of your EQ, and consider how much joy and fun you could spread through a full expression of this Gift and its line.

There are places within our psyche where we are simply never supposed to grow up. On contemplating this Gift you might like to consider the dreams and gifts you had as a child passing through this mid cycle of your childhood. What are your happiest, most golden memories of that time? You can breathe in the essence of those memories, and then find a way to integrate them once again in your current life.

We have already seen the hallmarks of a healthy EQ – a strong sense of emotional accountability, the ability to consider the feelings of others at all times, the dropping of our defensiveness, and the ability to retain clear emotional boundaries. All of these are the qualities of a mature emotional adult. However, the final flowering of your EQ is always about revelling in your innocence, in the simple joys of life and in your ability to think, act, and play like a child once again.


The Siddhi of your EQ concerns the transmutation of low frequency emotional charge into a higher form of creativity. The clearer you become in your relationships, the more you cherish them and the more devotional energy you will feel.

Relationships and friendships are the true wonder of human life. Each relationship is an odyssey that offers us an opportunity for deep transformation. At their highest, your relationships can become the most direct path available in the modern world to an awareness of your inherent Divinity.

The Siddhis represent the bringing in of our inner harvest. This usually comes after much inner work and through having undergone many trials. We all at some point move through a deep process of grieving over our relationships - either through a relationship that comes to an end or the death of a loved one.

The Siddhi of your EQ is a constant reminder of the ray of light that always lies behind the emotional process of relating. At their highest frequencies your emotions can be such beautiful, poetic reachings into the void. Emotion itself has to be burned up before we can move into those states of inner silence and transcendence. Therefore as we come closer to such states, our emotions become so sweet and exquisite that they make our hearts ache for the beyond. Such states of devotion and bhakti always precede the final flowering of our hearts. Ponder deeply on the Siddhi of your EQ for it holds the key to your emotional transcendence.


The 4th shadow - intolerance 

The folly of youth

When the ancient Chinese named this 4th hexagram of the I Ching, they gave it the wonderful name Youthful Folly, and in doing so, they showed a profound understanding of its lower nature. The 4th Shadow, the Shadow of Intolerance, is rooted in the mind’s habit of becoming tangled up with human emotions.

Because human beings are governed by their emotions, the general emotional state of humanity is unstable and chaotic. We tend to react to our whims instead of attuning to the quiet clear guidance that lies within each of us. In reacting to our own and others’ emotions, we decide that what we feel must be the truth, and our mind agrees with us.

The 4th Shadow is essentially a misuse of one of the great gifts of the human mind — logic. The power of this 4th Gene Key is the power to read and solve logical patterns, and as we shall see in the case of the 4th Gift, this ability leads you to a universal understanding of the rhythmic patterns and tendencies of all life. However, at a low frequency based on emotional reaction or over-reaction, this Shadow uses the power of distorted logic to support and uphold its volatile nature. In other words, if the 4th Shadow has a bad day and decides it doesn’t like someone, it will find a whole list of logical reasons to support its dislike. This is what intolerance really is — a slanted perspective of logic. At the Shadow frequency, the mind is actually given the authority to make important life decisions, and this is often disastrous because its true role is not to decide anything. Its true role is to understand and communicate.

The aptness of the name Youthful Folly becomes apparent when you see what happens as this Shadow reaches an extreme emotional state. At the Shadow frequency, you identify absolutely with your emotional state, which defines the way you live your life. Any unresolved emotional pattern is taken up by your mind and built into a highly intricate logical framework that masquerades as the absolute truth. Through the medium of the 4th Shadow, opinions, judgments and resentments are transmuted into convictions and certainties. In this way people blind themselves with their own logic and can become deluded and sometimes dangerous. Intolerance is based on a subjective distortion of logic, which only measures those patterns that a person wants to see, rather than seeing all patterns from both sides of an argument. The power of the 4th Gift of Understanding is founded upon this ability to objectively assess all aspects of a viewpoint, thus avoiding the pitfall of taking sides.

The underlying nature of all the Shadow states is fear; in the case of the 4th Shadow, fear is projected onto others and then reinforced through taking a defensive (and sometimes offensive) mental position. This is how intolerance is created, and it is sometimes extremely subtle. Intolerance bases its position on opinion rather than fact. If you took the time to examine the other side of the argument, you would immediately understand that your opinion is rooted in a deep-seated emotional fear of something. The great problem with logic is that it can only disprove itself, which does not make human beings feel at all secure. Therefore, most people choose one single side of an argument because it makes them feel a certain mental solidity. Ironically, however, mental assuredness cannot make the body feel safe. The body can only feel safe when it surrenders to the moment without wanting something else.

The 4th Shadow is endlessly restless in its need to examine patterns and resolve questions. One answer is simply replaced by another question. The role of this Gene Key is to understand, but understanding cannot come through the mind itself. This is the essence of the 4th Shadow’s dilemma, and it keeps many people from realising its Gift.

Understanding, as we shall see, only comes when you realise that your mind can never truly understand anything! Before you come to this huge inner realisation, you will live your life under the influence of the 4th Shadow and its persistent promise that it will one day arrive at an answer that brings you lasting peace. This is youthful folly, because only after much anguish and experience do you come to realise that there are no intellectual answers that bring about such peace. There are only two options for the 4th Shadow — you either settle for a one-sided opinion and deny the other side, or you become lost in the fruitless quest to bring an end to the feeling of uncertainty that lies deep within you. Unless you make the leap into the true understanding of the 4th Gift, you have no choice but to be caught in eternal misunderstanding and intolerance.

Repressive nature - apathetic

When the mental dynamism of this 4th Gene Key is frozen by the unconscious fear of a repressive nature, the result is an apathetic mind. An apathetic mind is a collapsed mind that is no longer bright or intelligent but has given up on understanding anything and sunk into a kind of mental lethargy. These people believe themselves to be less intelligent than others, when in fact they are really paralysed by an unconscious fear. Their fear is that they will have to assume responsibility for themselves, their decisions and their actions. Instead they choose to have no opinions about anything. Such people can pretend to be quite enlightened and very open, but there is a vital energy lacking inside them. Thus they can have problems in motivation as well as with their health. To escape their apathy, they simply have to start thinking again, but without letting their thinking rule their lives.

Reactive nature - nit-picking

In the reactive nature, thinking does rule a person’s life. The reactive nature projects out its eternal need for answers to questions, and it does so in the belief that these answers will bring them a sense of security. When they discover that this is not so, they become angry and blame someone — often the person or system that they supposed would give them all the answers! These people cannot let go of their need for some feeling of resolution so they make their mind the authority for bringing about this feeling, only to be endlessly disappointed. These people hone in on the most irrelevant details, unconsciously looking for a vent for their frustration. When they find such a detail, it affords them the opportunity to criticise or complain and thus release some of their pent up anger and tension. These people, above all, need to find a way to let go of the hope that their mind can ever bring them solace. When they do this, they can finally stop projecting their eternal disappointment onto others and begin to find a new awareness arising in them, outside of their mind.

The 4th gift - understanding

Quantum koans

If you are someone with powerful intellectual capacities, the 4th Gift represents a wonderful breath of fresh air for you. At the same time, it requires a huge quantum leap in your whole being. The Gift of Understanding has nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge. Knowledge is what your mind thinks it needs in order to take away its permanent feeling of unease. But knowledge can never bring a sense of peacefulness. At most it can give you the hope of that peace, although ironically it is this very hope that sustains your intellectual quest and keeps you within the confines of the Shadow frequency. Only true understanding can bring peace along with it because true understanding lies outside the domain of the mind. Understanding is of the whole being, and it does not and cannot require agreement from the cognitive capacities within your brain.

If you allow the 4th Gene Key to run its natural course without giving it the responsibility to make decisions, it actually does something quite magical — it propels your awareness out of the mind. The very desperation of the mind to come to understanding through knowledge constantly thwarts itself by looking at life from every conceivable angle. At a certain point, all this pent up energy explodes into a quantum leap out of the mind. This is precisely how the concept of the Zen koan operates. A koan is a paradox given to the mind to solve, and at the precise moment when the mind has finally realised that its own logic can never solve the koan understanding dawns. This quantum leap is true understanding, which is a feeling of knowing that floods your whole body and radiates from the solar plexus area.

The Gift of Understanding is the only answer that will satisfy a person’s dissatisfaction, and it must come about through the exhaustion of your mind rather than any other way. When you look logically at all angles of any concept, you begin to realise that nothing can ultimately be proved through logic, because logic can always be used to prove the opposite. When you finally see this, your whole being lightens because you realise once and for all that the mind is of no use for resolving anything of real importance. This in turn releases the mind to do what it loves best — research and communicate and play.

When the 4th Gift is freed from having to solve your existence, it finally comes into its real genius — to play with the patterns of existence and arrange them in new and original ways. When you have the feeling of visceral understanding deep in your belly, your mind is no longer hampered by the need to defend your own viewpoint. In fact, you realise that all logical formulae can be manipulated to prove or disprove anything. The higher frequency of such understanding also brings with it the urge to be of service to the world, and you can use the mental alacrity of the 4th Gift to follow the dictates of your higher self. This newfound genius at seeing the underlying patterns of life also affords you direct access into another aspect of this 4th Gift — the ability to understand people.

Through seeing all sides of any mental construct, the Gift of Understanding sweeps aside the possibility of intolerance and uses its gifts to create new roles or systems to bring positive change into the world.

The very nature of understanding is to bring about improvement for society in general, since the dynamic energy within this 4th Gift is still experienced as a certain restlessness. Whereas at the Shadow level, this was the restlessness to resolve your own insecurity, at the Gift frequency this becomes the restlessness to resolve the insecurity within society in general. Thus understanding always carries within it the seed intention to solve the problems of intolerance and division in the world.

In the coming genetic shift, the role of this 4th Gift will undergo some very important genetic changes, which will gradually sweep through humanity. The involution of powerful siddhic energy from the highest aspect of this archetype will bring about a minor but extremely important genetic mutation in this 4th Gene Key and its associated amino acid valine. This mutation will essentially phase out the 4th Shadow of Intolerance.

The children that come into the world carrying this new sequence of mutations will not be emotionally polarised; their mental system will not run riot throughout their lives. The 4th Gift of Understanding will govern the way in which their minds operate from birth. They will bring about a social revolution on a global level, and this revolution will be based upon a logical understanding of the folly of the existing systems and structures. New formulae will come into the world through this 4th Gift that will undoubtedly lead to technological breakthroughs that solve longstanding problems rather than create new ones.

The 4th siddhi - forgiveness

Merciless forgiveness

Not only will the coming shift bring about a social revolution, but it will also bring an end to one of the great searches of modern man — the search for knowledge. Through the rupturing of the 4th Shadow, understanding will take the place of knowledge and much of the thrust of our modern world will die down. We will no longer need to logically make sense of the paradoxes of existence because our new centre of awareness will give us a physical and energetic understanding of existence. Thus the role of logic in our world will alter. It will no longer be used to defend our prejudices and fears and it will no longer be used for purely personal benefit. Logic, at its highest frequency, is a means to orchestrate the most efficient society possible. True efficiency is based upon a higher holistic understanding of living systems. Once our understanding shows us how connected we all are to each other, we will see for ourselves that selfishness is the most inefficient frequency of all.

The 4th Gift forms the launch pad for an even more refined frequency — the Siddhi of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is born out of understanding, but it occurs when a being makes a leap beyond understanding. Forgiveness is a stage further on from social revolution. Just because a person has understanding and good intention, does not mean that they can orchestrate a perfect society. History has shown that revolutions never change the world — they just change society, and usually only briefly.

Forgiveness is the thunderbolt that is released when a being attains Christ consciousness.

It is like a kind of cosmic warmth that melts the borders and boundaries within the world of form. Forgiveness allows the Truth behind all form to be seen. Further than that, it allows one to see through and thus become one with Truth.

There exists a great mystery about the power of forgiveness concerning time. Forgiveness represents an involving force rather than an evolving force because it literally comes from the future towards the past. It is a Divine quality that descends, like Christ, into the world of form. In descending into human form, forgiveness lays its hand upon all humanity and works its way back through time, burrowing into our collective past, releasing and freeing energy that has lain trapped and stagnant for aeons. Forgiveness moves down the ancestral bloodlines of all humanity in this way, dissolving genetic blocks and lifting karmic curses wherever it travels. This is why the Siddhi of Forgiveness is often credited with being capable of inducing miracles, because it can release a karmic debt that has stagnated for generations. As such debts are released, those in whom they live can move through incredible transmutations.

The 4th Siddhi is a primary agent of Divine Grace, that is to say it does not adhere to human laws. It concerns the resolution of old debts, at all levels. At a purely individual level, the whole process of human incarnation is based around the notion of karmic debt. Until you have paid off all your debts, particularly through your relationships, you cannot escape the game of incarnation and reincarnation. Because it is also a part of the Ring of Union, the 4th Siddhi’s ultimate role is to bring humanity into a collective union through the resolution of karmic debt, individually, racially and mythically.

As more beings bring this Siddhi into the world, they play their part in the releasing of humanity’s collective karma. Such beings hold onto nothing in life because they have moved beyond understanding into pure Truth. The forgiveness that we know of now is but a tiny shadow in comparison to the beyondness of this 4th Siddhi. Pure Forgiveness is a universal panacea that radiates in every direction throughout time and space. It is the final answer to end all questions, and when the first atoms of forgiveness finally travel back to the very beginning of time, as they already have, the world we know will begin to dissolve. When all is forgiven, then forgiveness itself no longer exists, only Truth.

The final destiny of the 4th Siddhi is to rupture the connection between the past and the future, between the black and the white, between the yin and the yang — to finally bring an end to the logical fabric of spacetime itself. True forgiveness is merciless because it returns everything to its source and is a force of pure annihilation. The ultimate goal of forgiveness is in fact to bring an end to the world of form itself.

The line of my EQ

The 6 lines of your EQ are a view into your basic ideology. In the Venus Sequence we distinguish the words Psychology and Ideology by attaching them to the two different realms of the IQ and the EQ respectively. Thus your ideology refers to a core emotional attitude that you evolve primarily through your 2nd 7-year cycle. Because it is during this phase that you develop your full independent ego, it is also when you get your first real taste of what it means to relate to another as separate from yourself. Your ideology therefore runs very deeply inside you. It informs and motivates your psychology, the mental attitudes you evolve more fully in your 3rd cycle of development.

Line 4 - kindness / meanness

The 4th line is a classic pattern that we all learn as we move through our childhood. Particularly as we begin to relate with the opposite sex this pattern comes to the fore. Meanness is an externalisation of our own low self-esteem. It is also a way of pushing someone else away when we fear rejection by them. The 4th line has a natural social gift, so as these children develop through puberty they can use this gift to manipulate others in their social circle.

Although meanness can be direct at times, most of the time it is an indirect pattern, used behind another person’s back for example. The 4th line can be very political in this way. If you have a 4th line EQ, then you need to look honestly at your behaviour when you feel rejected by another. How do you reject others? Do you use subtle tactics, and are you aware of such tactics?

Meanness is simply the other side of kindness. Kindness is the natural expression of the 4th line as it flows out of your self-esteem. If you feel good about yourself, then you will always wish to share this feeling with others. The 4th line can be very saintly in this way, giving of itself without expectation of return.

True kindness is also often hidden. Out of consideration for another person’s feelings, you might choose not to say something that you know would hurt them. Such small acts of kindness usually go unseen, but at the same time they help propagate harmony. If you have a 4th line EQ, consider the Gift and the Siddhi of the Gene Key of this Sphere as a quality you can offer to others in all your relationships. Meanness makes us feel bad, whereas kindness always makes us feel good. It may be obvious, but it also tells us something profound about life – that it truly pays to be kind.

The pathway of love - discovering the essential in your life

The Path of Love is the path of human relationship, of service and devotion. It emerges as we interact with life and the people and circumstances of our Dharma.

We use our daily lives and our relationships as the fuel of our spiritual transformation. This means that if you have a primary relationship, then you must place that relationship at the heart of your life. If you do not happen to have a primary relationship at the moment, then you must place all relationships at the heart of your life.

In the Venus Sequence, the Pathway of Love is a powerful contemplation of the level of importance you give to love in your everyday life. Like each of the Pathways along the Golden Path, this is an exciting journey rather than a static measurement. The Pathway of Love links the Sphere of your EQ to the Sphere of your SQ, and as you will see, your SQ describes you living your life with a permanently open heart. It is the source of all love. What this means is that as you travel the meandering pathways of your Venus Sequence, you are called upon to surrender more and more of your ego in the name of love.

Through the Sphere of your IQ, you must move beyond your mind and its tendency to undermine you. In the Sphere of your EQ, you must let go of the emotional patterns you have learned that keep closing your heart off to others. When your awareness awakens fully in the Sphere of your SQ, you will return to a simpler more loving state that lies beyond the cries of the mind and the needs and urges of the emotions. It is here in this Pathway of Love that we learn once and for all to drop our ego and embrace a higher calling – the only essential there is – the call of Love.

The breakthrough and the flood

Our major work with the Venus Sequence takes place in the Spheres of the IQ and the EQ. We have already likened the Pathway of Intelligence that links these Spheres to the first Pathway of Challenge in the Activation Sequence. It follows then that the Pathway of Love is also a Pathway of Breakthrough, and this is most certainly the case. In the Venus Sequence, the breakthrough is about love. As we begin to learn to transcend the ebb and flow of our emotions, we experience a profound opening of the heart. Unlike the emotional journey, it doesn’t come in fits and starts, but comes all at once as a flood. We are flooded by the love that is released from within our DNA.

The flood of love can only come when the dam inside us bursts. This can be a very intense aspect of working with your Venus Sequence, because it involves getting in touch with the sacred wound inside your body.

There will be times when you feel overwhelmed by a profound feeling of Isolation. Isolation is the Shadow keynote of this Pathway of Love. This sense of Isolation can come in many ways – it can come as depression, anxiety, rage, grief, melancholy, or any other intensely uncomfortable feeling. Such feelings seem to go beyond the normal emotional spectrum. They seem to be lodged so deeply inside us that we feel they may never leave. You need to be alert to periods in which you find yourself in such a state, because despite what you may feel, you are touching the edge of holiness.

The sacred wound lives inside each of us. It manifests as a vast sense of Isolation, in which we cannot feel our heart, in which we appear to be rendered powerless. Often the wound is a physical sensation localised in the body. If you tune into your body, you may be able to sense where the wound appears for you. Sometimes the wound is not local, but a general numbing of all our faculties. Such states often precede the breakthrough of great love, but we must stay with the wound, wrapping our awareness around it for as long as it takes for the transformation to occur.

This is how our great love has been dammed, and when the dam bursts, we experience a state of grace – a euphoric expansion throughout our body, and in particular our chest, as the flood of love breaks through.

The sphere of your SQ

When we get to the Sphere of SQ, then we have really arrived at the hub of our healing journey. Your SQ is your spiritual quotient – the measure of your ability to remain connected to the spiritual heart of life.

It’s interesting to consider how this flows outwards into your 4 Prime Gifts, which are to do with discovering your genius. The expression of your genius is rooted in the opening of your heart, and the breakthrough of your Radiance is a mirror of this deeper breakthrough of the unconditional love that comes from your SQ.

We have also seen that our IQ governs our psychology and our EQ our ideology. Your SQ governs your mythology – the unconscious contours of the longing of your soul to return home.

The SQ is centred on the myth of homecoming, because it has always been the heart that is our true home. As long as you feel love, then you are home. This is the origin of the word ‘hearth’ – the home fire that always burns in the centre of your house. The flood of love that comes through the Pathway of Love comes from your SQ, which is like the grail that constantly gives forth of itself. The Sphere of your SQ is also the only Sphere that doesn’t have a Shadow keynote, because it is the only place inside that is truly innocent.

As you enter into contemplation of your SQ, you can look at its Gene Key and line in this way. Although you may have learned the ways of its Shadow, it was something that was put into you when you were too young to do anything about it, so the journey into your SQ is a journey of retrieval and recovery. This is the eternal flame of unconditional love inside you, and all you have to do is keep asking for it back.

The first seven years

The sacred wound is an integral part of life’s journey, and everyone carries it in their DNA before they are even born. The final Pathway of the Venus Sequence, the Pathway of Realisation, represents the way in which the sacred wound is imprinted right into our physiological structure as we are growing in the womb. Although the mother can subtly influence the foetus through maintaining a calm inner state as much as possible, nevertheless, the wound will still one day emerge.

Once the child is born, our dharma begins to unravel. The events of the outer world begin to impact us – the inner state of our parents, brothers and sisters, the culture we inhabit, the physical environment and its sounds, smells, and tastes – everything combines to shape our destiny. Other than the nine months of gestation, no cycle has a greater impact on our future than the first seven years of our lives.

As adults we tend to see young children through adult eyes, since most of us have long forgotten that time before the Rubicon. These first seven years really represent a kind of Eden consciousness, in which we do not experience ourselves as fully separate from our surroundings. We live in a natural state of wonder, and we will spend most of our lives unconsciously trying to return.

Adults who are committed to the process of opening the heart are relatively rare. Many of us attempt this momentous task, but many of us are unable to do the deep transformation necessary. This is where the power of staying in a relationship can pay off. Most divorces occur in a child’s first seven years when the pressure on the parents is greatest. It takes a profound selflessness to devote one’s life to the bringing up of a child. Whether you are a parent or not, you were once a child and you also took this difficult journey where you experienced what it feels like to leave the Garden of Eden. Your SQ, your spiritual quotient, is a measure of how deeply you allow yourself to feel this sense of separation and the wholeness that lies behind it.

The long answer to the question of how best to support young children is to take the journey of transformation back to your own lost youth. We must learn once again to see through our hearts, with the sense of utter trust that comes when we are very young. As Christ said: ‘...except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven’. And the place where we must learn that level of trust is in our relationships.

Your SQ - living a mythic life

We have passed through our IQ and the formation of our psychology, the EQ and the formation of our ideology, now we come to the SQ, which represents our life mythology. What does it mean to live a mythic life, and how do we go about it?

Joseph Campbell, the great mythologist summarised his life’s work through the immortal line: ‘follow your bliss’. It takes a leap of courage to follow your bliss. It is not the same as following your pleasure. Bliss is rooted in a deep transcendence of your suffering, so to follow your bliss is to move deeper into the nature of your suffering. Your SQ calls you to a great life. It will transform the mundane into the mystical, it will allow you to live as a hero or heroine in the drama of your life.

In many people weighed down by the culture, conditioning, and distractions of the modern age, the SQ is simply asleep. The flood of unconditional love never passes along the Pathway of Love, because it is kept in check by the Shadow patterns of the EQ and the IQ. As Thoreau said: ‘most men lead lives of quiet desperation’. To embark upon a mythical life is to step towards your fear rather than hide from it.

If you are reading this and have come this far in the Golden Path Program, there must be a fire burning strongly inside you. The Gene Keys are not an easy quick-fix system that tell you what to do. They are a deep mythic tapestry of insight, and the Golden Path puts the full responsibility of awakening back onto you where it belongs.

When you contemplate your SQ, and the Gene Key and line of your SQ, spend some serious time with it. Every Gene Key has a mythological association. Look into the archetypes that haunt your higher consciousness. Which heroes and heroines are you most drawn to? Which Gods and Goddesses? Which cultures? Your psyche is littered with clues. Look objectively at your bookshelves. Recall the fairy tales and fables that most strongly impacted you as a young child.

Seek, and ye shall find

Dig deeply into your being for your mythology, and see how it is reflected by the Gene Key of your SQ. Your SQ is like the deep ocean before the flood. It is the place you must dive into to find the pearls and sunken treasure of your long lost childhood. Dig and you will find it. Contemplate for long enough and a face will emerge from beneath those waves.

Incarnation - the imprinting of the physical body

In the New Age many people speak of the process of reincarnation – the notion of a separate soul that enters into different bodies and experiences a succession of lifetimes. Perhaps not so much consideration is given simply to the process of incarnation itself. To ‘in-carnate’ literally means to come into the form or ‘meat’, and it is not simply about being born. Birth is the second beginning after conception.

According to the Gene Keys revelation, it takes 21 years (3 X 7 year cycles) to incarnate fully. Even then, most people never complete the process to its fullest extent, but get caught by the Shadow frequencies, with certain fundamental aspects still hovering outside of the form.

The Golden Path is in effect a process of re-incarnation as we revisit our first 21 years and rewire our behaviour patterns, bringing our full higher being down into the form of our physical bodies.

It is in the first 7 years of our lives that our physical body learns to live in the world. Even though we may develop a rudimentary emotional awareness and our brain development begins, the real focus of our lives is exploring the physical plane through our physiology, our senses, and our sense of will. Young children quickly manifest a strong will in their early years, as they learn to push up against the boundaries of physical reality. In their early years children literally swim in the frequencies of life. Being fresh from the void, they are still half in the dream of non-existence and half in their new dream of existence. As adults we usually do not realise how sensitive a young child really is.

They feel so keenly every frequency you emit, and they take it in at such a physical and visceral level that it actually becomes woven into the form of their physical structure. As the child’s organs develop, they are programmed by the quantum environment in which the child lives. This is why it is so important to be aware when you are with young children. Not only does your attitude affect them, it is built into them.

In the light of the above, you might like to consider the atmosphere - physical, emotional, and mental - that you were brought up in. There is no cause for alarm as you contemplate such things. It is good to be aware of the programming environment that you grew up in. Knowing the prevalent patterns of your parents can greatly help you to see why you carry certain wounds into your later relationships.

You should also consider the higher frequencies of your parents and caregivers, and how those frequencies were also imprinted into your physical DNA as you grew. Even though you carry your own unique higher purpose, you are also a blend of the frequencies that surrounded you as a child.

Every time we heal a part of our heart, a little more of our greater being incarnates into the form. In time, we will come to manifest our higher purpose in life.

Aloneness and loneliness

Having a healthy SQ means entering into a profound relationship with your aloneness. The beauty and the ache of life is really played out through the seasons of our relationships. There are times when we are with someone, and times when we are alone. Often the nature of humanity is to long for the other side, so if you are alone you may find yourself at times longing for intimacy, and if you are with someone, you may long for more solitude and space. Your SQ speaks into this very human dilemma. Aloneness brings its own gifts, and one of these is an honouring of the sadness of life as well as its joy.

Such times can be difficult if we do not manage to maintain a sense of wonder and creativity in our lives. Without the creative process, there is a danger that we are pulled into the black hole of melancholy, which then sucks the life force away from us and leaves us feeling depressed. And once depression sets in, it can be very challenging to build up enough inner velocity to re-emerge.

Almost all of life’s greatest works of art, music, literature, and drama have emerged out of the genius of melancholy, or out of human beings who have allowed melancholy a deep place in their inner lives. If we are to rise to the peaks of consciousness, we must also hold a place for the nadir inside us. And this is a beautiful and vulnerable process.

Your SQ is a delicate balance of your IQ and your EQ, of your passion and your reason, of shadow and light, of intimacy and aloneness, of loss and love.

When you feel the call of your aloneness, then you must find a way to honour it, and creativity is the most vital and transformative way when you are following the Path of Love. Through creativity you maintain a state of communion with your fellow man. Others can see into your being, and take solace from the fact that there is something emerging there.


The 35th gift - adventure

The only progress is love

The hallmark of the Gift frequency is that it always involves love. Love is the only force that can bring an end to the hunger of the 35th Shadow. With love, seratonin production is increased and stabilised within the chemistry of the human brain. With love, the energy stored within the 35th Shadow is released into the human being instead of being squandered in the world.

What we are referring to as the heart actually has its roots within the complex ganglia of the solar plexus system. It is through a higher functioning of your solar plexus that you can experience what love truly is. Love has nothing to do with another separate person but is the connective tissue underlying all creation.

The 35th Gene Key stands alone as an island within the human genome since it is formed by only one codon, which activates the amino acid tryptophan. In this sense the 35th Gene Key is similar to the 41st Gene Key, which represents the initiator codon that begins all human genetic processes. However, the 35th Gene Key does not hold such genetic importance as the 41st Gene Key. This makes it something of an anomaly, and an anomaly in genetics always conceals a mystery. The mystery of the 35th Gift is captured in its name - the Gift of Adventure.

Like the 41st Gene Key, it is an aspect within humanity waiting for a specific time before it switches on. Yet, unlike the 41st Gene Key, the ability to switch certain genes on and off does not always lie outside your grasp. The 35th Gift is the only place within all human DNA that human beings have a choice in how their reality is constructed. As you might imagine, this is quite an important codon within human evolution!

The secret is adventure, and true adventure can only be based upon love.

Adventure is what happens when the human spirit breaks free from the mind. Adventure is a state of being that comes from the realisation of the oneness of all being. Adventure is not yet immersion in that oneness, but it is what it feels like to swim within that oneness. Oneness cannot be known mentally, even though it can be logically deduced. Oneness can only be felt when enough serotonin is produced within our bodies.

To live with an open heart is to live in a perpetual state of adventure. Adventure means that there is still some fear inside you, but you have reached a frequency that you know is high enough to outwit that fear. Every human being has the choice to take a path of love. That is the mystery of the 35th Gift — progress can be made if you are ready to take the great leap and risk it all for the sake of love.

Of course, for most people the fear of the Shadow frequency field is too great and they are caught in the endless cycle of trying to fulfil their cravings. However, every now and then a human being takes a momentous step into the 35th Gift where they discover a wormhole to another dimension. When you give to another unconditionally you actually stimulate the secretion of serotonin. This not only makes you feel happy but also induces a deep state of trust that you are in harmony with the entire universe.

In the world that we currently inhabit, giving unconditionally is such a radical move that it literally short-circuits other people’s brains. It gives others a moment of pause where they are forced to look at themselves and their lives in the mirror of your actions. It can cause people to go into even deeper fear patterns. The 35th Gift is the only place in the entire 64 Gene Keys where a human being can actually do something consciously to raise their frequency — they can embark on the adventure of love and catalyse a genetic speeding up of their own evolution. This, by its very nature, will have enormous impact on humanity’s evolution.

If you happen to be reading this 35th Gene Key, then you have stumbled upon the greatest single secret hidden within all human DNA. In a book filled with secrets, you have found the simplest and easiest. Indeed, certain translations of the original I Ching have named this 35th Hexagram Easy Progress as opposed to just Progress. The easiest and quickest way to change your life for the better is to give your love unconditionally in as many areas of your life as you dare. If you take on this adventure, you will actually affect the minute workings of your DNA. You will stimulate new chemical messages to pass from gene to gene and you will enter a whole new world of adventure, one that most people equate with the world of fantasy.

The 35th siddhi - boundlessness

A back door into bliss

The interesting thing about the 35th Gene Key is that it breaks all genetic laws. It allows human beings to take charge of their own evolution and outwit the global genetic programme. Just as the 35th Gift breaks laws, so does the 35th Siddhi. It invites human beings to expand their consciousness so far that they leave the sphere of evolution altogether.

Very few human beings can handle the concept of boundlessness because it has a diffusing effect on your mind. It invites you to move out of your mind and into your heart. It is really the heart that knows no bounds, which is why consciousness is the same word as love. Along with its polarity, the 5th Siddhi of Timelessness, the 35th Siddhi forms the arc of the infinite. There are no boundaries to life and there can be no beginning and no end.

No mind will ever solve the mysteries of the universe — of time and space — because mind is only a tiny facet within those mysteries. The heart, or what some people call the heart-mind, is the only aspect within a human being that can unlock the mystery of boundlessness. So what can the 35th Siddhi tell us? It can tell us only one thing — that pure unconditional love can break all the laws of the cosmos. Whenever you taste even a fraction of this kind of love, anything becomes possible. Because we inhabit a form and live in a world where magic seems impossible, more and more human beings are turned away from the truth that anything in the universe is possible.

Such a siddhic being represents a shortcut through evolution itself, and many people can experience huge awakenings and miracles around such a being.

As the single heart of the Ring of Miracles, the 35th Siddhi brings the miraculous into the world. It opens up all kinds of possibilities to those who allow their minds to become like a child’s. To the child, anything seems possible — this is the state of boundlessness. To activate such streams of miracles, you have to break free from the beliefs and limitations imposed on your mind by the world and those around you.

The line of my SQ

As you contemplate the 6 lines of the SQ, you should know that you are looking at qualities of consciousness that the developing child needs. These qualities never change throughout our lives. They dictate our journey of seeking and motivate our mythic identity. They also happen to be universal themes that can be inspirational to us all.

Line 1: certainty (rhythm and routine)

When a child comes into the world, from the moment the birth cord is cut, they are seeking this quality – certainty. We enter the world with a sense that there is now something missing. In the womb it wasn’t missing, because there we were completely connected into the floating oneness of it all. The 1st line is always asking these same fundamental questions: why am I here? what am I? The search for certainty is the epic human quest for answers to these deepest of questions. This is a cellular uncertainty that we carry from birth. If you have a 1st line SQ, then finding a sense of inner security will be your most fundamental issue in life. This deep genetic need for a sense of security will motivate your entire life.

Of course, where this search takes you is another matter. It can take us up or it can take us down.

What the developing child needs above all else is a strong sense of rhythm. Rhythm brings a sense of security, because it connects us into the cyclic forces of nature and the universe. The rhythm of the seasons, the rhythm of our heartbeat, the rhythm of our daily activities – all these things are an oasis for the young child. You might like to consider the rhythms of your early childhood, and whether they made you feel safe or uncertain. The young child is imprinted through repetition and routine. When we are older we may find such things boring or relentless, but to a child in their first 7 years there is nothing as important as a healthy life rhythm. If the young child is supported and buoyed by the healthy pulse of living rhythms, then when they mature they will always carry this profound cellular memory that all is well in the world, even when the opposite appears to be the case.

Our need for certainty can also take the route of fear. We can lock ourselves into routines that keep us from breathing and that throttle our creative spirit.

We can become unconsciously obsessed with finding certainty, perhaps through a will to power or through a self destructive tendency. We can fix our minds on certainty through a set of manufactured beliefs that keep us from being open-minded and flexible. We can become a victim of the details and drudgery of life, or we can become a workaholic and live in a state of denial. We seek these kinds of routines out of our deep fear of the uncertainty of life. If you have a 1st line SQ, you need to be aware that you will unconsciously seek certainty and security from others. This can put great pressure on your relationships. You need to look deeply into this habit of transferring your fear onto others. The only place you will ever find certainty is in your own heart.

As adults we continue to need rhythms in order to thrive. A life without natural rhythm is directionless and unable to support a process of maturing. Of course rhythms also change. Sometimes events occur that give birth to a completely new kind of rhythm.

If you have a 1st line SQ then such times can be really challenging for you, but they are also necessary. A healthy rhythm needs regular changes in tempo. The heart opens as you embrace the trials of your life and relationships and allow yourself to be transformed. Perhaps the most important rhythm of all is the changing beat of our evolution. Our dharma provides a rhythm that inspires us to stretch, grow, adapt, expand, excel, and ultimately flourish. How goes the rhythm of your awakening?

The pathway of realisation

The transition from the Sphere of the SQ to the Core is no transition in time. At this stage in our journey, the sequence itself is shown to be a limited way of viewing this transmission. Once you enter into the mystical state of Absorption, you are no longer in the hands of your ego or your sense of ‘I’.

There is a place within us where the forces of evolution meet the forces of involution. We call this place the ‘One Point’. In the holographic universe, this point is located behind the navel. This place is a wormhole leading right into the heart of the universal consciousness. Words too begin to dissolve as they are drawn into this whirlpool of silence.

The Pathway of Realisation is like a lighthouse within us. From the moment we are born, it sends out its precious rays of remembrance. It waits for us to respond to its call, and only when we are ready does the process of Absorption begin. At a certain point in our evolution, we simply let go of all the structures that have pretended to hold up our life. We yield ourselves up to the mystery within, and we let it take a hold of us.

The One Point exists at a quantum level beyond the physical, observable plane, and it serves as a template for life to come into manifestation. It is the white hole through which light passes from the formless dimension to the plane of matter. It is where non being becomes being. It is an intriguing mystery that in order for our human evolution to attain its zenith, our consciousness must return down this same pathway, passing through the black hole of the One Point back into the realm of the formless. This is the true meaning of the Pathway of Realisation. It is also why words and language are no longer capable of capturing the essence of this experience. The experience itself is beyond words.

Temptation and distraction - the ring of trials

Throughout the Gene Keys and the Golden Path, we have heard about the mystery of the 21 Codon Rings – specific groupings of Gene Keys chemically bonded together in genetic resonance. The breadth of the wisdom contained in the Codon Rings remains outside the scope of this book, but we can still glean a great deal of wisdom from them. One Codon Ring in particular has a strong relevance to this Pathway of Realisation. This is the Ring of Trials, which consists of the 3 so-called ‘stop codons’ – the 33rd Gene Key, the 56th Gene Key, and the 12th Gene Key. The stop codons represent codes in our DNA that terminate processes of genetic replication, creating pauses or breaks in the process of protein building.

As archetypes, the 3 stop codons of the Ring of Trials represent a crux point in the evolution of human awareness. As we approach the Pathway of Realisation, we undergo a process of deep inner testing. Once we have opened up our SQ to its true potential, the currents of the higher frequencies begin to course through our being. We feel a new kind of power opening up inside us. The light of our genius opens up vistas of potential that we may have never dreamed of.

There is a delightful urge at this stage of our inner journey to try and hold on to the higher frequencies – and to follow their potential out into the world. The release of this great love inside us naturally urges us to want to be of service to the world and to others. It is possible to linger at this wonderful stage for the rest of our lives, and we can become a powerful force for good and change in the outer world. At least it may appear that way. The Ring of Trials sets us three mythical inner trials before we can continue to the very pinnacle of consciousness.

The first trial - the 33rd Gene Key - remembering mindfulness

At its lower frequencies the 33rd Gene Key is the Shadow of Forgetting. This is our first inner challenge. This Gene Key pursues us throughout our evolutionary journey. It opens in us as the Gift of Mindfulness – the knack we develop of allowing awareness to continually witness our own life. At the higher frequencies, our self-awareness is usually in an advanced stage of development. Awareness catalyses transformation, which is how we evolve in the first place. However, our awareness is tested at its deepest level once we begin to unlock the codes of our higher evolution.

It becomes all too easy to forget our inner journey and follow our love out into the world. There is a noble tendency at this stage to want to save the world in some way!

With Mindfulness all impulses are eventually shown for what they truly are. The impulse to serve others, while noble, can also be a distraction from continuing our inner journey to its true conclusion. This doesn’t mean that the impulse to serve is wrong. It may be correct for us, but this is a classic stage in our evolution. Until our awareness has reached the Sphere of the Core, our true higher purpose cannot be revealed. The 33rd Gene Key tests, hones, and sharpens our mindfulness to its greatest extent. Each of the 3 Stop Codons of the Ring of Trials holds the potential to pause or halt our inner journey.

The second trial - the 56th Gene Key - the distraction of the personal

Although we number the 3 trials of the Ring of Trials in a sequence, they are all themes that are interwoven with each other. The second test of our deep self-awareness comes via the 56th Gene Key, whose lower frequency is represented by the Shadow of Distraction. The final great transformation that occurs within us as we travel the Pathway of Realisation is the shift from the personal to the impersonal. The love released through our burgeoning SQ connects us to life and to others in ways that are genuinely wholesome and uplifting. As we experience and we are forgiven for wishing to linger in this beautiful space of expanding consciousness. However, we are still called to move deeper in awareness into the source of the bliss, into the core of the Sacred Wound itself. The 56th Siddhi of Intoxication teaches us to move beyond the ecstatic planes into the even deeper places of silence that lie within.

The third trial - the 12th Gene Key - the vanity of the self

The third and final trial we undergo as we pass through the portal of Realisation is the surrender of our separate identity. It is the symbolic surrender of our voice. As we enter through the many layers of the self, we begin to touch the essence inside us. Our awareness becomes ever-more focussed upon the One Point. This process is akin to a nuclear explosion. We keep focussing the lens of our awareness into this single hidden inner point within us, and as we do so, the energy of our being seems to grow in power and radiance. This gives us a sense of awesome power and one-pointedness. In time we become a blend of focussed compassion and limitless power.

Once again there is a deep temptation to linger at this point, feeling the wonder of the silence and the power of light coursing through us. This is the stage that the ancient traditions often named the ‘lure of the siddhis’. We feel our potential as a messiah, and many gifts of the higher frequencies can be accessed at this stage. The Shadow of Vanity is our greatest test. It will challenge the purity of our heart, as we are called upon to let go even of this penultimate phase of our journey. For only then does the final nuclear explosion occur. We enter the mystical Ring of Secrets – the mysterious 22nd Codon Ring. The 12th Gene Key is the only Gene Key which exists as a Ring within a Ring. This is the final letting go, and the 12th Gene Key and its Siddhi of Purity offers us the greatest guidance of all – that no matter what happens, keep listening to the purity of your heart.

The sphere of your core

Now we arrive at the hologenetic centre of our being in this lifetime – the Sphere of your Core.

The Sphere of your Core is the nexus of the Sacred Wound that you carry in this life. This wound connects you to all other human beings. It drives your evolution and is the very heart of your suffering. To bring full awareness into your core wound is to awaken fully to your limitless potential.

Anyone who has looked inwardly at his or her own life will soon come into contact with their wound. Some people can feel it in a specific location within their body, while others know it as a deep sense of dissatisfaction or unease that lies beneath our conscious awareness. Some wear their wound openly due to an ailment or accident they may have had or even been born with. We all carry some kind of wounding – even the young child carries the Sacred Wound as a seed that will inevitably find its way into the world. One of the great revelations of the Venus Sequence is that our wounds are here to serve our higher purpose, so we need not flinch away from them.

Your consciousness will expand in relation to your willingness to embrace your wound. Up until this point in your Venus Sequence the emphasis on your wounding patterns has been on your relationships. This is because the mirror of our relationships help bring awareness to the patterns most clearly and swiftly. However, as we dive into the deepest heart of the pattern, we move into the heart of our aloneness. This is a personal part of the journey whose implications lie deeper even than the outer love we have in the world. It takes a great deal of courage to bring your full awareness to this Sphere of the Core Wound.

The wounded healer

In many cultures there is a mythic tradition known as the ‘wounded healer’. This term may have first been coined by Carl Jung in describing his own journey of healing and integration, but the myth of the wounded healer or physician seems to be pervasive. In the Bible, Arthurian legends, Norse and Greek myth, Hebrew Lore, and many of the Eastern traditions, there is a tradition of a figure who having wrestled with their own vulnerability in some way, then becomes a healer and guide for others. Indeed this process of inner initiation is the mainstay of some of the oldest forms of wisdom on our planet – the path of shamanism. In the shamanic traditions, the apprentice shaman must take a series of initiatory journeys into the underworld of the unconscious. Here they will come into direct contact with the personification of their fears and their deepest wound. Having absorbed, embraced, and transformed their fears, the apprentice emerges and in time becomes the shaman – the wounded healer.

The revelation of the Gene Keys brings another dimension into this archetype of the wounded healer. As you will now realise, the Gene Keys are founded upon the premise that our higher evolution lies secreted in the coils of our living DNA. When the shaman therefore journeys into the underworld, he or she is really diving into the consciousness deep inside the physical body. In the inner journey your DNA represents the last stop before we move into the atomic structure, which connects us into the universal quantum field. This means that your DNA exists right on the threshold of universal consciousness.

It must be passed through before we can realise the peak of our spiritual evolution.

We know from genetic biology that the majority of our DNA seems to be unreadable, and therefore appears to serve no obvious purpose. This is known as ‘non-coding’ DNA or ‘junk’ DNA. This huge reservoir of information may well turn out to contain the history of our evolution. It is amazing what you can find out about a person when you rifle through their garbage! And such DNA may also contain the coded memories of the whole evolution of our species, and even the other streams of species that we have evolved from. If this is the case, then it would be true to say that we each contain the karmic hologenetic memories of our ancestors and their dreams and deeds. Such archetypal information lives deep within our unconscious, and it moves among our dreams.

In order for our awareness to penetrate the miasma of all this memory, we must each take the shaman’s journey into the sacred wound – into the memory and the collective pain of our whole species. So much of our human past has been rooted in violence and fear. For millennia we have struggled to overcome the reptilian programming of our ‘old’ brain. And there are those who have won through. Our DNA also contains the echoes of our future consciousness.

The alchemy of creativity

The archetype of the wounded healer expands beyond our many wisdom traditions. It is also a powerful part of the human creative process. One of the great poets of the past century, Antonio Machado, put it this way:

Last night as I was sleeping,

I dreamt—marvellous error!

that I had a beehive here inside my heart.

And the golden bees

were making white combs

and sweet honey

from my old failures.

Most, if not all of our greatest artists, writers, musicians, composers, and crafts-people moved through periods of deep inner darkness. Out of this darkness and pain, they were able to transmute a large part of the Shadow DNA they were born with. It is a beautiful truth to contemplate that such inner darkness can lead to such outer light. Whenever you find yourself moving through a difficult period in your life, one of the healthiest ways of working through it is to engage in a creative project. The creative process is a dance along the banks of the unknown; therefore it is a natural outlet for an unknown inner process that cannot be helped by thinking or through any outer guidance. All works of genius emerge in spite of the mind, though they may be expressed through the mind.

The other health-giving aspect of true creativity is that it is in no way imitative. Whatever emerges through the creative process is fresh from the void. It is often as much of a surprise for the artist as it is for the audience. Creativity demands we become a patient witness to the magical secret forces of the universe. Patience and perseverance are the key qualities you will need to engage fully in the creative process. It can put us through a genuine initiation, as we struggle to bring forth the wordless dimension and dress it in the clothes of matter.

The Sphere of your Core holds the core programming for your suffering in this life. Even when your heart is fully open there remains a subtle clinging to this material plane. Our heart must stretch even further to embrace the fullness of our death, to accept the annihilation of the self. Physical illness can be a great leveller for us, stripping us down to the bare essentials of our being.

We must let go even of our heart’s final longing to linger and help others. Ultimately, this is a plunge we can only take alone. In the Bible when Jesus spoke the words: ‘Physician, heal thyself’, he was alluding to this final surrender of the body into death. There comes a stage where we have to let go of everything, even our desire for the body to go on living. In saying these things, we are referring also to the mystical death, which we must pass through in order to re-emerge as a fully realised being.

The shadow

The Shadow of your Core Wound holds back a great deal of your hidden potential. The Sphere of your Core is a trigger point that lies on a genetic crossroads between your Venus Sequence and your Pearl Sequence. The Pearl, as you will learn, is about the true nature of prosperity. It is the practical arm of the Venus Sequence that flows out into your community and the world at large. Bringing your attention down into the Core and working to understand its impact in your life can therefore have startling effects in your outer life over a period of time.

However, working deep in your Core in this way is not easy, as there are layers of karmic memory to burn through with your awareness. Sometimes it may seem that you are not getting anywhere, whereas in fact much of your progress is invisible to you. It is also vital not to become too tight when looking into your Shadows. Contrary to most people’s beliefs, Shadow work is not such a heavy and unsettling task as you might think. It becomes heavy only if you allow yourself to forget the central point - to get in touch with the essence of your heart in the midst of difficulty. Even if you can only sense your heart as the tiniest tremor amidst a great backdrop of pain, that little seed is where your focus needs to be trained - not on the darkness but on the light. It is surprising how many people forget this simplest of truths, and become bogged down in wading through the sludge of the lower frequencies.

The gift

Out of the Gift of your Core comes your greatest creative impulse. In the Activation Sequence, when we speak of higher life purpose we are referring to the creative potential of your genius. Your genius arises out of your Core as a process of personal transformation, the by-product of which is your outer work in the world. However, what we do in life is less important than who we are. We are here to learn to be ourselves. This is our primary gift to the world. To be yourself is to vibrate with the ideas of the cosmos inside you. It is to stand on a threshold quivering with excitement at the dream that is pressing to come through you.

When you are living from your Core, no one can put you in a pigeon-hole, and no one can dissuade you from sharing your dream with the world. The Gift frequency is an expansion of consciousness that throws us into the delightful void of each and every day. When you live from your Core, then you always pay primary attention to your relationships. It doesn’t matter how important you believe your work or your mission to be, it is as nothing compared to the treasure of your relationships and loved ones. This is the hallmark of a healthy life lived from the Gifts of your Core.

The siddhi

The Siddhi of your Core carries the perfume of your essence. When the process of transformation through your Gift has manifested in your life, there follows a deep settling down inside you. The excitement of transformation and creativity subsides, the beauty and preciousness of your relationships mature, and a new essence begins to dawn within you.

This is the light of consciousness. Consciousness is different from awareness. Awareness emerges out of the consciousness of a particular life form, but when that life form dies, the awareness dies with it. Consciousness however, remains. As your awareness is refined, so the mind and emotions quieten until the point when all that remains is the background of consciousness. The Siddhi of your Core gives you the flavour of the culmination of your evolutionary process as a state of realisation. The realisation however is not external to your humanity - rather it arises from your humanity.

This Siddhi comes right from the essence of your being. It is a fractal aspect of the whole in perfect resonance with the whole. Give yourself over to a period in which you bring awareness to the quality of this Siddhi over and over again. Sink into the heart of yourself and seek it with your full heart. If you do this, you will experience the true beating heart of the Venus Sequence, the Gene Keys, and the Golden Path, and you may never be the same again.

My core

The 45th shadow - dominance

The house of dominoes

When you look into the core reason for the major problems on this planet, you will find that they all centre around a single issue — food. Because human beings have to eat in order to survive, food is symbolic of real power. Everything else springs from this single fact. In today’s modern world, food is symbolised by money. As long as you have enough money you can survive. However, if you were immediately transported to the wilderness of northern Alaska your money would mean nothing, which shows that money is really only a veneer placed across a deeper issue — whoever controls the food resources has the power. The old Chinese name for this 45th hexagram in the I Ching is Gathering Together, which like all these ancient names contains many levels of wisdom. Very early in evolution, humans discovered that in staying together they greatly increased their chances of survival. When hunters worked together in teams they had a better chance of making a kill. It was out of this gathering together around food that our entire civilisation was born.

One of the earliest phases of human evolution was the hunter-gatherer. These early people were purely nomadic, moving from place to place, gathering and foraging for food as well as killing wild animals as they went. An evolutionary leap was made as early humans discovered that by staying in one place, cultivating crops and domesticating animals, survival was even more ensured. This move to a more efficient agrarian lifestyle based on the control of territory as a means of controlling the production and distribution of food was the crucible of our modern societies and nations. Along with this change came another human development — that of civilised hierarchy. As tribal groupings multiplied, natural hierarchies developed, either around a network of elders or around a single alpha leader. In a hierarchical society individual members were no longer equals. Power was distributed according to other needs, such as skills and usefulness, or was inherited through patrimony. This basic model of hierarchy is still in place today, although in the West, food and territory have been replaced by money and wealth.

The 45th Shadow of Dominance lies at the heart of this whole evolutionary tendency to operate out of hierarchies. It is the way in which our brain is programmed, even though it is now showing itself to be hugely out of date. The fact is that our modern technologies and infrastructure would allow us to live in a world without hierarchy. That is our utopian dream. However, human DNA has not yet been updated, so the old fear-based thinking still prevails. We remain victims of the Shadow of Dominance because we still live for ourselves rather than for each other. Survival is limited to the immediate or extended family, if there is one.

This is where the fear lies — within the 45th Shadow. This Shadow does not allow human beings to transcend family blood ties. Our loyalty is primarily confined to our immediate family. Naturally this is not always the case, as a global mutation is currently underway and is opening up our awareness to new paradigms beyond that of family loyalties. In the West especially, we are witnessing the gradual demise of the traditional family model, with its built-in patriarchal hierarchy. For many people this is a very frightening time since the family model of living has been the norm for so many generations.

The human need to find a place of security in the hierarchical chain is based upon dominance. That is to say, you always have to push someone else down in order that you can rise up. It is a fear-based system focused upon the oppression and dishonouring of other human beings. This is also the essence of the modern day business model even though the majority of those who work in business participate in this model unconsciously.

The system we have created keeps us working within the hierarchy because the hierarchy feeds us. You have to pay taxes and mortgages as well as work for the system! It is important to understand that no individuals are to blame, not even those few multi-billionaires who appear to run the world through the big multinational corporations. Neither are the politicians to blame as we would like to think. It is our genes that are really to blame because it is out of our most ancient fear of not having enough that we have created this whole civilisation. Every single human being is an unconscious participant in the world we see around us. No one escapes the hierarchy unless they decide to reverse evolution and go right back to their hunter-gatherer roots. Where, then, do we go from here?

We live during an uncomfortable transitionary era. As the old family-based tribal system is beginning to crumble around our ears and the old values cease to have power or meaning, we are left with a feeling of profound social instability.

At the same time the ancestral urge to dominate persists and has found a whole new arena — global finance. Now our hierarchical struggle revolves around money. Everything — health, education, food, and government — is all based around money, and there is nothing we can do about it. This does not mean to say that we cannot bring about a revolution and improve the way the old system works. This is precisely what is happening now and what is needed.

However, ultimately any system that has been built on a foundation of fear will by its very nature crumble. We are living in a house of cards. The awareness that is rapidly coming to human beings will eventually outgrow the need for any system devised by the human brain. By the time that happens all concept of hierarchy will have long since dissolved.

Repressive nature - timid

The repressive side of the 45th Shadow is made up of all those people who bow their heads to authority. These people allow their spirits to be dominated by those higher than themselves within the hierarchy. Such timidity compromises its freedom for the sake of not rocking the boat. Since it is rooted in an unconscious fear, this nature accepts that no good could ever come from resisting or challenging someone in a higher position. Unfortunately the majority of humankind falls into this category, even if at an unconscious level. Most of us are willing participators in the global chess game in which the individual spirit is easily manipulated by those at the head of the hierarchy.

Reactive nature - pompous

Rather than bowing its head to authority, the reactive side of this Shadow enters the fray by becoming obsessed with climbing up in the hierarchy and therefore has to push others down in their urge to reach a high position. These are pompous people who then assume positions of power over others and make sure that they remain timid in order to maintain control. Both sides of the 45th Shadow are, therefore, caught in the game of hierarchy — one as a victim and the other as the victimiser. The only real way to escape the entire game of hierarchy is to take a stand against the system itself, but not one that is rooted in reaction or anger. To break out of either reactive or repressive natures requires that one take a great risk and break the pattern of one’s interaction within family, business, government and society. One has to stand alone as a living model of a new kind of system in which individual spirit is respected above all else.

The 45th gift - synergy

From hierarchy to heterarchy

Beyond hierarchy lies a far more expansive concept. It is known as heterarchy. Heterarchy is a level of self-organisation that already exists to an extent within many hierarchies. Whereas hierarchy demands a flow of information that is essentially vertical, heterarchy distributes information horizontally. In a hierarchy the flow of authority and information is always dependent on the permission or approval of someone above. In a heterarchy, however, responsibility and decision-making is distributed equally throughout the system. The flow of information processed through a heterarchical system is more effective than in a hierarchy. It has often been compared to the way in which neuron connections operate within the human brain. Heterarchy is based upon Synergy, the 45th Gift.

Unlike hierarchy it recognises the need for both individual and group empowerment, so it operates at a far higher frequency than the hierarchical model.

In the business world, more emphasis is being placed on the heterarchical model, even though it is still utilised within the existing hierarchical one. An example might be a whole department of a business that operates with very little interference from those above and shows itself extremely capable and responsible. The 45th Gift of Synergy requires a leap of faith out of fear-based thinking and control by a single person. It is in many ways akin to the ideal at the core of democracy — that decision-making should and must be collective. More than this, in the business world synergy and heterarchy want to take us much further — into networks where businesses that previously competed now dovetail and cross-pollinate each other, thus moving more energy throughout the whole system. This leap out of the old fear-based territorial thinking also means that in a heterarchical model business, clients and customers are shared between the various businesses that make up the network. However, what this also means is that those who hold positions of power and authority have to risk giving their authority away.

For someone in a position of true power to give complete authority to another is to perform an act of pure alchemy. This is what the 45th Gift is all about. When such sacrifice and empowerment is made to the right group, the rewards can be phenomenal. Even though initially a business may appear to lose money by interfacing in this way with other businesses, the amount of synergy and goodwill that moves through the human network increases exponentially. Rather than being guided from above, this new kind of business is allowed to discover its own self-organising intelligence. The 45th Gift is interested in the long term, so it is this fractal energy of goodwill that has the real power, not profitability itself. The goodwill generated reaches outwards in ever-increasing spirals that impact on the world through syn-chronicity and word of mouth. The result is that more and more people become interested in the business or its products. The bottom line of the 45th Gift is that in the long term it is more efficient to move together in synergy rather than waste energy in competition.

In the current hierarchical approach to business, networking still mostly manifests through one business buying another business and integrating it into the existing hierarchy, thus maintaining control. Once again it is only through the selfless and unconditional giving away of responsibility and authority that true power begins to travel through a network or organisation. You have to gather together the people who you trust and then you have to give them their freedom to pursue their gifts without interference.

The 45th Gift is also deeply concerned with education. In order for world poverty to come to an end, people must be self-empowered rather than rescued. This means that they must be educated in how to become self-sufficient at all levels. They have to use the technology that enables them to provide for themselves. In terms of global energy, the same truth also applies; we have to learn to harness the 16th Gift of Versatility in order to draw energy from a wide array of resources rather than drawing all the water from a single well — for example, fossil fuels. Synergy entails sharing world resources rather than the trading of those resources. At a subtle level, most trade is based upon fear. As the energy of goodwill and sovereignty is released through the 45th Gift, the whole purpose of money will gradually begin to change.

The key influence of the 45th Gift will manifest through the family. In the West we can already see the breakdown of the traditional family unit. In fact it is not family values that will decline but family politics. The idea of the family business will be pivotal in this respect but in a new and different way. In our current world model, family and business are directly at odds. Business today tends to divide the nuclear family because one or both partners have to leave the children at too early an age, either in care or at school. In the future, business will consider one of its greatest responsibilities to be the custodianship of healthy families. As seen and instigated through the 45th Gift, future business will involve not so much a family business but a family of businesses networked together. In this way, different clans and fractals of human beings will be united around a heterarchical business model. This could also provide a networked educational and support base for parents and children to draw from, rather than having to send children out to institutions that both alienate and homogenise them. Children can thus cross-pollinate with other families through play and, as they grow, through mentoring in a wide array of creative business possibilities. In this way, education, finance and family support all begin to come together in a single unified network.

These are just some of the startling insights and breakthroughs that are possible through the rising frequency of the 45th Gift of Synergy. Synergy involves an entirely new way of thinking that is so alien to our current culture that at present it is challenging for the mass consciousness to even conceive of.

The 45th siddhi - communion

The end of money

Since we began in the 45th Shadow with the prime issue of food, we will end by viewing the same issue at its highest frequency. The traditional notion of communion is rooted in the Christian rite of sharing bread and wine in memory of Christ’s last supper. There is a great mystery concerning the true meaning of communion. Ultimately Christ’s actions during the last supper are deeply symbolic of the great revelation contained within the 45th Siddhi.

On one level, the bread represents money and the wine represents the unification of all human beings through DNA — our blood. The drinking of the wine symbolically activates the ecstatic levels of human awareness and the transcendence of your individuality. These two themes — blood and money — are the core of the symbolism enacted in the Holy Communion. At the siddhic level of frequency, humans will recognise their oneness on the material plane through the transcendence of money. Human beings are the true currency, and money is our prime means of interaction as it directly reflects our frequency. If you act from a frequency rooted in fear, you will always try to maintain control of life through money. However, money also offers each of us the opportunity to test universal law. If you trust in the energy of goodwill above all else, then you will alter the way in which money moves in and out of your life.

When Christ spoke the words: “This is my body”, he was speaking from a collective level. Humanity is a collective body that is united through its bloodlines in a common ancestry. From the level of the 45th Siddhi, we are each other’s food. Money is the key to the enactment of this revelation. We have already seen how, at the Gift level of frequency, the redistribution of money through the world economy must alter to serve a higher purpose. This manifests through the new heterarchical model based on group synergy.

However, at the siddhic level, communion entails the end of money altogether because it represents humanity’s original and completed consciousness. We have seen that most trade is based on a subtle fear and is rooted in a version of conditional giving. Unconditional giving negates the need for money altogether.

In the 45th Siddhi, all the various strands of human DNA finally come together. It is the cosmic gathering point for higher consciousness. It is also the place where the individual, the family and the collective merge. The way in which this merging occurs is through the ultimate model of human and divine organisation — the synarchy.

In the journey of consciousness through this 45th Gene Key, we have seen hierarchy give way to heterarchy, and now we see their fusion and transcendence manifested through synarchy. Synarchy, as outlined and described in the 44th Siddhi, is the underlying Divine formation of human consciousness when free from identification. The problem with heterarchy as a model on its own is that, without a common point of focus, it may create synergy between all aspects within a certain system but it won’t see beyond its own system. Heterarchy and hierarchy when fused together are transcended in synarchy. In a beautiful twist, hierarchy is actually the unfulfilled organising principle that leads to synarchy. In other words, when humanity has attained the mystical state of communion, it discovers that it is organised into a vast fractal pattern of human geometries arranged in myriad dovetailing human wheels and branches. This is The Synarchy, and one must understand that it is indeed a challenging concept to describe in words.

Synarchy is the overall pattern of humanity operating as one consciousness. It is the mechanics of the mystical state of Communion. Just as the communion of Christ is represented by a group of twelve with a mystical thirteenth at its centre, so the Synarchy of all human beings is built out of many such fractal families. Each of these twelve beings then has their own inner circle and so the fractal goes on. Each being occupying a pivotal or hub position in the Synarchy is thus an agent of communion, since their actions, words, deeds and visions flow directly out into humanity, in essence building the Synarchy. Christ himself is the Divine example of a hub fractal — a conduit of goodwill who sacrifices himself for the sake of the greater community. As each of us follows this example, we taste the greater body of humanity and enact the mystery of Sacred Communion in our lives.

The leaders in a synarchy are not leaders in the normal sense because they are not made up of individuals but small groupings of humans operating out of a single awareness. In many ways, synarchy can be likened to the interlinked network of neurons and synapses in the human brain. This is precisely what is happening to humanity right now as the frequencies moving through the 45th Gene Key come more and more into play. We are discovering higher and higher levels of self-organisation. The great cosmic joke, however, is that we are discovering these patterns rather than consciously creating them. In other words, synarchy already exists as a blueprint hidden within hierarchy, the 45th Shadow. As fear leaves the human genome, we will discover that we are already arranged into a synarchy. It is a gradual process of discovery however, limited by our time-processing brains. For those at the siddhic level of consciousness, time no longer exists. Through the eyes of the Christ consciousness, the kingdom of heaven is all around us at all times.

In the far distant future, at least from the viewpoint of our current awareness, the 45th Siddhi will flower throughout humanity. Not only will this bring an end to money, but it will slowly bring an end to food. As our collective frequency mutates our biological bodies, so the body of humanity will evolve to live on the frequencies of light. This is outlined in the 6th and 47th Siddhis and is programmed into the future of humanity through the codon ring known as the Ring of Alchemy. The mutation of our biology actually heralds the end of humanity as we know it, as we become synthesised into an even greater communion within the cosmos as a whole.

The line of my core

We each come into the world with a karmic genetic inheritance. Running beneath the personal trials and themes of our life is a deeper program wherein we are called upon to transmute aspects of the collective karma of humanity. In order for humankind to awaken to its true higher nature, we must first unlock these codes and transform them in our personal lives. When you are therefore contemplating the line of your Core Wound, you are taking on an aspect of human consciousness that is impersonal and has no root in your own personal life. Your Core Wound only has a root in your being in the sense that you are a far wider being than you probably realise.

Each of the 6 lines of the Sphere of the Core represent an archetypal aspect of the human wound. We each process one of these archetypes as a primary theme although our life inevitably involves all of them. As you contemplate your Core Wound and its healing opportunity, try to see it at work within all the other lines and Gene Keys of your profile. Rather than being an isolated unconscious theme, it lends each stage of your journey through the Venus Sequence a cosmic human context. In coming to the Sphere of your Core, you have reached the end of the rainbow, and even though there may be dragons beyond this point, they are the guardians of great inner treasure.

Line 5 - guilt / forgiveness

The 5th line often seems to be the most complicated of the 6 lines in terms of its Shadow patterns. Ironically the 5th line hates things to be complicated! They are the great lovers of the practical and the simple. At the Shadow frequency however, the 5th line is responsible for holding all the guilt in the world. Although guilt as a pattern sounds similar to shame, they are very different expressions of human fear. The 3rd line tries to escape the wound through activity, whereas the 5th line filters their wound through the theme of power. The Shadow of the 5th line does not allow people to have a peaceful relationship for long.

They feel a huge pressure from others to be a certain way and whether they compromise their own truth to be someone they are not, or whether they react by being the opposite, in both scenarios they end up feeling bad about themselves.

Such patterns in relationships breed deep resentments that tend to fester and also lead to power struggles. The Shadow pattern of the 5th line feeds off power struggles. It learns to manipulate others through guilt often without even realising it. As a collective theme carried in our DNA, guilt forces us into situations that we inevitably regret, making our lives more complicated at every level. Many 5th lines end up giving up on relationships altogether, and then they have to live with the guilt of their past still somewhere inside them, or their resentment of another becomes so great that they are unable to move on with their lives. If you have a 5th line core wound, it is unlikely that you will ever work out your relationships at a mental level. The complexity of the 5th line pattern will always confuse you. However, there is a very simple way out for you.

When you begin to contemplate the Shadow of the Gene Key of your Core, you simply need to feel the vibration of this quality of fear in your body. Your awareness of this will certainly make you feel vulnerable, but it needn’t make you feel weak. You are not a victim of this fear. It is not even your fear. It belongs to humanity, and your role is to transmute it through the power of forgiveness. Over and over in your life you will be presented with the opportunity to forgive others for deeds that you may consider unforgivable. You must learn to see that all humans are driven by these unconscious core wound patterns. This does not validate certain Shadow behaviour, but it does allow us room for forgiveness. As you learn to forgive others, you are really forgiving aspects of your greater self.

Look at the higher qualities of the Gene Key of your core wound. See what rewards lie on the other side of forgiveness. Refracted through a healthy 5th line, these are qualities that can reach out far and wide into the world. However, if you continue to hold onto resentments, then you are only limiting your own capacity for love and joy. This is as practical a teaching as you will ever come across in your life!